Urban Companion: An urban druid may begin play with an animal companion selected from the following list: Small animated object, bat, dire rat, rat, cat, dog, riding dog, horse (light or heavy), Medium monstrous centipede, Small monstrous scorpion, Small monstrous spider, mule, owl, pony, raven, snake (Small or Medium viper), warhorse(light). This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the urban druid on her adventures as appropriate for its kind.
A 1st-level urban druid’s companion is exactly like a druid's animal companion, and grows in power exactly like one as well (use the Animal Companion rules presented there for it's advancement). If an urban druid releases her companion from service, she may gain a new one by performing a ceremony requiring 24 uninterrupted hours of prayer. This ceremony can also replace an urban companion that has perished.
An urban druid of 4th level or higher may select from alternative lists of animals (see below). Should she select an animal companion from one of these alternative lists, the creature gains abilities as if the character’s urban druid level were lower than it actually is. Subtract the value indicated in the appropriate list header from the character’s urban druid level and compare the result with the urban druid level entry on the table to determine the animal companion’s powers. (If this adjustment would reduce the druid’s effective level to 0 or lower, she can’t have that animal as a companion.)
4th level or higher:
Medium animated object, giant ant (soldier), dire bat, Large monstrous centipede, Medium monstrous scorpion, Medium monstrous spider, Large snake(viper), warhorse (Heavy)
7th level or higher:
Large animated object, carrion crawler, hammerer (MM2, page 27), otyugh, Huge monstrous centipede, Large monstrous scorpion, Large monstrous spider, pulverizer (MM2, Pg 27), Huge snake (viper)
10th level or higher:
Huge animated object, Huge monstrous spider
13th level or higher:
Gargantuan monstrous centipede, Huge monstrous scorpion
16th level or higher:
Gargantuan animated object, Gargantuan monstrous spider
Medium animated object, giant ant (soldier), dire bat, Large monstrous centipede, Medium monstrous scorpion, Medium monstrous spider, Large snake(viper), warhorse (Heavy)
7th level or higher:
Large animated object, carrion crawler, hammerer (MM2, page 27), otyugh, Huge monstrous centipede, Large monstrous scorpion, Large monstrous spider, pulverizer (MM2, Pg 27), Huge snake (viper)
10th level or higher:
Huge animated object, Huge monstrous spider
13th level or higher:
Gargantuan monstrous centipede, Huge monstrous scorpion
16th level or higher:
Gargantuan animated object, Gargantuan monstrous spider
replacing Animal Companion
City Sense: At 1st level, an urban druid gains a +2 bonus to Knowledge(Architecture and Engineering) and Gather Information checks.
replacing Nature Sense
Voice of the City: Through a combination of body language, tone, and expression, the voice of the city can make herself understood by those who do not speak her language, and she can interpret their meaning the same way. Simple concepts that can be conveyed in a few words (such as "Help!" or "Drop your weapon!") can be conveyed automatically. More complex concepts require her to make a roll: d20 + her class level + either her Wisdom modifier (if trying to understand someone else) or Charisma modifier (if trying to make someone else understand her). Roll each only once per conversation. If she fails, she cannot try to communicate with that specific individual via this ability until she has gained a level. (Thus, it is possible, if she succeeds in one roll but fails in the other, to hold a conversation where she can understand the other speaker but he cannot understand you, or vice-versa.)
The DC of the roll depends on creature type and how closely the individual's language is related to any of her own. The ability works most effectively with other humanoids. In this case, if the individual's language uses the same alphabet as any language she knows, the DC is 20. If it does not, the DC is 30. (See Speak Language, PH 82, for this information.)
The above DCs increase by 5 if the speaker is a fey, giant, or monstrous humanoid; they increase by 10 if the speaker is an elemental. If the other individual is of any other creature type, she cannot communicate via this ability.
If the speaker is deliberately trying to make himself understood, the voice of the city gains a +2 circumstance bonus on this roll. If she is attempting to interpret his speech from outside normal conversational distance (such as eavesdropping), she takes a -4 penalty on this roll.
In addition, she gains Speak Language as a class skill.
replacing Wild Empathy
Crowd-Walker: When moving through a crowd, the crowd-walker moves at her normal rate, rather than requiring two squares of movement for every square as is normal. In addition, light debris does not impede her movement, and she treats heavy debris as light debris. Any other sort of rough terrain impedes her normally, however.
replacing Woodland Stride
Go to Ground: When you choose to "lay low," you become all but impossible to find without magical means. All attempts to find you with Urban Tracking simply fail outright.
replacing Trackless Step
Iron Constitution: The druid gains Strong Stomach (Cityscape 64) as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. If she already has this feat, she may instead choose any feat for which she does meet the prerequisites.
In addition, the druid gains a +2 bonus on saves against disease.
replacing Resist Nature's Lure
City-Shape: At 5th level, the druid gains the ability to transform into an animal, as per the standard wild shape ability. She can do this once a day to start with, but the frequency of her wild shapes increases as per the standard druid advancement chart.
At 8th level, the druid does not gain the ability to transform into Large animals. Instead, she may transform into Small and Medium vermin, as well as animals.
At 11th level, the druid gains the ability to transform into Tiny animals and vermin.
At 12th level, the druid does not gain the ability to transform into plant creatures. Instead, she may transform into an animal- or vermin-based swarm, so long as it fits within her standard wild shaping Hit Die limits.
At 15th level, the druid does not gain the ability to transform into Huge animals. Instead, she gains the ability to transform into Large animals and vermin.
Special: The Natural Spell feat functions with city-shape just as it does standard wild shape.
replacing Wild Shape
Disease Immunity: At 4th level, an urban druid gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.
replacing Venom Immunity
replacing Venom Immunity
City Soul: At 16th level, the druid can use her wild shape (or city-shape) ability to become a Small, Medium, or Large animated object (MM 13) once per day. These forms are in addition to her normal wild shape uses. In addition to the normal effects of wild shape, she gains all the animated object's extraordinary abilities, as well as many traits of the construct type (low-light vision, darkvision to 60 feet, and immunity to critical hits, poison, disease, paralysis, and stunning).
The precise form must be an object common to the city environment, such as a wagon, a statue, or the like. (Talk to your DM in advance to determine what sorts of forms are available and what are off-limits.)
The druid can assume the form of an animated object twice per day at 18th level, and three times per day at 20th level. At 20th level, she can use this ability to turn into a Huge animated object.
Special: The Natural Spell feat functions with city soul just as it does standard wild shape.
replacing Wild Shape (Elementals)
old spell-new spell
Calm Animals-Calm Emotion
Charm Animals-Charm Person
Detect Animals or Plants-Detect Secret Doors
Detect Snares and Pits-Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
Hide From Animals-Disguise Self
Longstrider-Rooftop Strider
Magic Fang-Magic Weapon
Pass Without Trace-Obscuring Mist
Speak with Animals-Comprehend Languages
old spell-new spell
Calm Animals-Calm Emotion
Charm Animals-Charm Person
Detect Animals or Plants-Detect Secret Doors
Detect Snares and Pits-Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
Hide From Animals-Disguise Self
Longstrider-Rooftop Strider
Magic Fang-Magic Weapon
Pass Without Trace-Obscuring Mist
Speak with Animals-Comprehend Languages