Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Some random OC heroes

Cowboy (World War I)
Maxwell the Magician
Lady Wrangler (World War II)
Mr. Xslozh (near-omnipotent imp)

Friday, May 29, 2015

Superpower note

Human flesh=64 lbs. per cubic foot
Titanium=280 lbs. per cubic foot=x4=Density 5 M&M 2ed.)
Steel=490 lbs. per cubic foot=x8=Density 8

Fantasy Counterpart Fantasy Coinage

"Elizabethan England"

"Merchant Princes of Italy"
"Venice"-Doge (leader)-tallero-pp, lira-gp, soldi-sp, denari-cp
"Ragusa"-Duke-dukat-gp, artilue-sp

"Ancient Egypt"

"Ancient Greece"

"Ancient Hebrews"


"Roman Republic/Empire"

iztac teocuitlati-sp

"Celts" (Dwarves)

"Tang Dynasty"

"Vikings" (Dwarves)



"Gupta Dynasty"


"Mesopotamia" (Akkadians, Babylonians, Sumarians)


"Kingdom of Benin"

Super-Sons issuses

So the follow issuses of various DC comics are part of the Super-Sons Saga in my version of the Comic Book Wold Newton Universe.

World's Finest-154 (1965)-Super-Sons
World's Finest-157 (1966)
Action Comics-392 (1970)
World's Finest-215 (1973)
World's Finest-216 (1973)
World's Finest-221 (1974)
World's Finest-222 (1974)
World's Finest-224 (1974)
World's Finest-228 (1975)
World's Finest-230 (1975)
World's Finest-231 (1975)
World's Finest-242 (1976)
World's Finest-263 (1980)
Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane-23 (1961)-Larry & Carole Kent
Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane-39 (1963)-Superbaby
Superman-166 (1964)-Kal-El II & Jor-El II
Batman-131 (1960)-Batman II & Robin II
Batman-145 (1962)-Joker II

Thursday, May 21, 2015

WWII Comic Book commandos

World War II
Benjamin Parker
Captain Andre
Captain Conner
Captain Griggs
Captain White
Captain  X
Cliff Powers
Commander Arnold Mortan
Danny ‘Drummer’ Bellman
Force 3
General Ten Per Cent
General Theressa
G.I. Robot
Hop Harrigan
Ilsa Koenig
Jacques Dernier
James MacReedy
Jake Fury
Jim Morita
Jonathan Kent
Larry Freese
Lee Mayer
Lt. Col. Reginald Pinkerton
Lt. Erikson
Lt. Michelle
Mademoiselle Marie
Moose Barclay
Peggy Carter
Pierre Duval
Red Fox
Rex the Wonder Dog
Richard Longtree
Richard Parker
Ronson Carpenter
Russ Talbot
Sgt. Bass
Sgt. Rip Jagger
Tom Tanaka
Unkown Soldier
Viking Commando
Wildcat Smith

Andre Blanc-Dumont
Blackhawk-Bart Hawk
Blackhawk-Janos Prohaska
Carlos ‘Chuck’ Sirianni
Charles ‘Chuck’ Wilson
Hans Hendrickson
Lady Blackhawk-Natalie Gurim/Reed
Lady Blackhawk-Zinda Blake
Olaf Bjornson
Olaf Friedriksen
Ritter Hendricksen
Stanislaus Drozdowski
Theodore Gaynor
Weng ‘Chop-Chop’ Chan

Boy Commandos
Alfy Twidgett
Andre Chavard
‘Brooklyn’ Dan Turpin
Captain Rip Carter
Jan Haasan

Creature Commados
Lt. Matthew Shrieves
Medusa-Dr. Myma Rhodes
Pvt. Lucky Taylor
Sgt. Vincent Velcro
Warren Griffith

Deadly Dozen
Captain Jack ‘Mad-Dog’ Martin
Doc Watson
Donald Sample
Emory ‘Snakeye’ Simpson
Harold ‘Ace’ Hamilton
Howard Shigeta
Jake Jensen
Larry ‘Hillbilly’ Wagner
Laurie Livingston
Michael “Bullseye’ Miller
Michael ‘Combat’ Kelly
Ralph ‘Hoss’ Cosgrove

Easy Company
Bulldozer (1)-Sgt. Nichols
Bulldozer (2)-HoraceCanfield
Farmer Boy
Frank Rock
Ice-Cream Soldier-Phillip Mason
Jackie Johnson
Little Sure-Shot-Louis Kiyahani
Long Round
Short Round
Tag-A-Long Thomas
Wee Willie
Wildman-Harold Shapiro

Flying Boots
Henry Frank
Steve Frank
Tommy Frank

Ghost Patrol

Haunted Tank
Cpl. Arch Asher
Cpl.Gus Gray
Cpl. Slim Stryker
Lt. Jeb Stuart
Pvt. Eddie Craig
Pvt. Rick Rawlins
Sgt. Bill Craigs

Howling Commandos
Captain Flint
Captain ‘Happy’ Sam Sawyer
Dino Manelli
Duane Wilson
Eric Koenig
Fred Jones
Gabriel Jones
George Stonewell
Hans Rootan
Isadore ‘Izzy’ Cohen
Jerry Larkin
Jonathan ‘Junior’ Juniper
Percival ‘Pinky’ Pinkerton
Robert ‘Reb’ Ralston
Sgt. Hans Klaus
Sgt. Nicholas Fury
Timothy ‘Dum-Dum’ Dugan

Hunter’s Hellcats
Hard Head
Lt. Ben Hunter
Light Fingers
Pvt. Heller
Snake Oil

Leatherneck Raiders
Captain Simon Savage
Jacques LaRocque
Jay Little Bear
Lee Baker
Rolfe Harrison
Roy ‘Blarney’ Stone
Sam ‘Yakkety’ Yates

Captain William Storm
Johnny Flying Cloud

‘Bull’ McGiveney
Lon Wilcox?
Man-Mountain McCoy
Pvt. Jones
‘Rickets’ Johnson

Missouri Marauders
Bob Jenkins
David Wood
Dwight Smith
Eddie Robinson
Leroy Davis
Paul Schade
Ron Mawson


Red, White, & Blue
Blooey Blue
Red Dugan
Whitey Smith

Suicide Squad
J.E.B. Stuart
Rick Flag, Sr.

Suicide Squadron
PT Allan
Rick Flag, Sr.
Sgt. Trask
Vic Morgan
Wild One

Amalgam List

Absorbing Anomaly [Anomaly/Absorbing Man] 
Adam Lang [Adam Cray/Scott Lang]
Adversary [Rival/Blazing Skull]
Air Jack [Air Wave II/Jack of Hearts] 
Ajak O’Lantern [Jack O’Lantern/Ajak] 
Alpha-Prime [Alpha Centurion/Nova-Prime] 
Amazo the Mimic [Amazo/Mimic] 
Ambush Beetle [Ambush Bug/Beetle] 
Amethystar [Amethyst/Crystar]
Angelhawk I [Hawkman/Angel I]
Annexation [Bloodsport/Annex]
Anyone [Chiller/Chameleon] 
Apollo I-Chris Summers [Ray I/Cosiar,Mercury]
Arcane Zola [Arcane/Arnim Zola]
Argeus-Nike Argeus [Aegeus/Arkon]
Armory-Bobbi Harper [Arsenal/Mockingbird]
Armory [Arsenal/Tinkerer] 
Assassin [Merlyn/Crossbow] 
Atomic Zaniac [Atomic Skull II/Zaniac] 
Atomic Shield [Atomic Knight/Blue Shield] 
Aurora [Aurora/Aurora] 
Avia [Avia/Hercules, Titania]
Azrael the Archangel [Azrael/Archangel] 
Barracuda [Shark/Piranha] 
Baron Humbug [Baron Bug/Humbug] 
Bat [Batman/Falcon] 
Bat Colt [Bat Lash/Kid Colt] 
Batdevil [Batman/Daredevil] 
Bat-Girl [Bat Girl/Spider-Girl] 
Bat-Spider [Man-Bat/Man-Spider] 
Bat-Woman [Batwoman/Spider-Woman I] 
Bedlum [Bedlum/Bedlum]
Ben Charles [Ben Turner/Luke Charles]
Besiege [Cyborg I/Siege]
Big Joke [Joker/Kingpin] 
Big Sunder [Big Sir/Sunder] 
Black Angel [Black Canary/Angel] 
Black Catwoman [Catwoman/Black Cat] 
Blackguardsman [Blackguard/Guardsman] 
Black Knight [Knight/Black Knight] 
Blacknebula [Blackfire/Nebula] 
Black Oracle [Oracle/Black Widow II] 
Black Prowler [Black Spider/Prowler]
Black Raven [Black Condor/Red Raven]
Black Rhino [Black Bison/Rhino] 
Black Stingray [Black Manta/Stingray]
Black Tyger [Black Pirate/Captain Tyger]
Blaze [Manhunter II/Blaze] 
Blitz [Lightning/Blitzkrieg] 
Blitzkrieg [Zyklon/Volton]
Bloodclaw [Claw the Unconquered/Bloodstone]
Bloodstone Gem [Blood Gem/the Bloodstone]
Blowtorch Bug [Firebug/Blowtorch Brand]
Blue Spider [Blue Beetle/Spider-Man] 
Booster-Iron [Booster-Gold/Iron Man] 
Brain [Brain/Dr. Doom] 
Brother Bloodscream [Brother Blood/Bloodscream] 
Brother Fate [Dr. Fate II/Brother Voodoo] 
Brother Power Man [Brother Power/Power Man(Luke Cage)] 
Bug [Bug/Bug] 
Brand Corporation [Corporation/Brand Corporation]
C-4 [Plastique/Nitro]
Calamity Queen [Calamity Kid/Black Cat]
Calibeast [KGBeast/Caliban] 
Callisto [Cheetah III/Callisto]
Captain Britain [Lionheart/Captain Britain] 
Captain Comet [Captain Comet/Comet] 
Captain Magno-Tom Dash [Magno/Captain Dash]
Captain Marvel Boy-Freddy Burns [Captain Marvel, Jr./Marvel Boy]
Captain Panzer-Otto Streicher [Red Panzer/Captain Axis]
Captain Ultraa [Ultraa/Captain Ultra] 
Cardiac Arrest [Lockup/Cardiac] 
Celsius [Celsius/Iceman, Sunfire] 
Charlie Allen [Thondor Allen/Charlie-27]
Cherub [Seraph/Golem]
Cheshire [Cheshire/Elektra] 
Chi [Jericho/Karma] 
Chlorophyll Man [Chlorophyll Kid/Plant Man] 
Chondu Faust [Felix Faust/Chondu the Mystic]
Composite Super-Adaptoid [Composite Superman/Super-Adaptoid] 
Condrill [Congorilla/Mandrill] 
Constructor [Construct/Constrictor] 
Controller [Controller/Controller]
Craps [Hazard/Roulette]
Crimebuster [Gangbuster/Crimebuster]-Jose Moore 
Crimson Colossus [Red Star/Colossus] 
Crimson Flame [Effigy/Crimson Dynamo]
Crimson Humanite [Ultra-Humanite/Crimson Cowl] 
Crimson Outsider-Alfred Javis [Outsider(Alfred)/Crimson Cowl(Javis)]
Cyber Master [Ocean Master/Cyber] 
Dakota Tree [Ms. Tree/Dakota North] 
Dan Lance [Larry Lance/Dan Hurley]
Dark Cardinal [Darkwing/Cardinal] 
Dark Moon [Batman/Moon Knight] 
Dark Siege [Dark Man/Siege]
Dark Speed Demon-Walter West [Dark Flash/Vengeance]
Daughter of Super-Soldier [Son of Superman/Crusader]
Deadpool [Deadman/Deadpool] 
Deadwatch [Deadline/Deathwatch]
Deatheye [Deathstroke/Bullseye] 
Deathlok [Vigilante II/Deathlok] 
Death Metallo [Metallo/Death Metal] 
Death’s Head [Automan/Death’s Head] 
Deathstroke the Punisher-Slade Castle  [Deathstroke/Punisher]
Deathtaker [Breathtaker/Death-Stalker]
Demon-Slayer [Demon/Devil-Slayer] 
Despot [Monarch/Tyrant]
Destiny [Destiny/Destiny I]
Dr. Alchemisto [Dr. Alchemy/Chemisto] 
Dr. Alchemy [Dr. Alchemy/Alchemy]
Dr. Brimstone [Dr. Regulus/Brimstone Love]
Dr. Death-James Hellfern [Dr. Death/Dr. Death]
Dr. Destiny [Dr. Destiny/Destiny II] 
Dr. Lightmaster [Dr. Light/Lightmaster] 
Dr. Multiple X [Dr. Double X/Timeshadow]-D
Dr. Photon [Dr. Light II/Dr. Reyes]
Dr. Strange [Adam Strange/Dr. Strange]-Adam Strange 
Dormera [Mera/Dorma]
Dread [Phobia/Shriek]
Drifter-Jose Munroe [Gangbuster/Nomad]
Drifter [Gypsy/Nomad] 
Dynamic Manhunter-Rick Nelson [Manhunter/Dynamic Man]
Eiling, Gen Sam [Gen. Eiling/Gen. Sam Sawyer]
Electro Bolt [Bolt/Electro]
Electro the G.I.Robot [G.I.Robot/Electro the Wonder Robot]
Emerald-Crystal Hayden  [Jade/Crystal]
Entity-Jim Rhodes [Extant/War Machine(alien armor)]
Eon Sur [Abin Sur/Eon] 
Eternity & Kismet [Kismet/Eternity]
Evergreen [Floronic Man/Tower] 
Exodus [Vartox/Exodus]
Fatal [Cheetah III/Calypso]
Fearcrow [Scarecrow/Mr. Fear I] 
Fenna [Alanna/Fen]
Fantastic Man [Elongated Man/Mr. Fantastic] 
Fernis-Cameron & Louise Strucker [Icicle II, Killer Frost/Fernis]
Fiddler [Fiddler/Fiddler]
Fire-Ant [Firestorm/Ant-Man] 
Firebird [Flamebird/Rusty Collins]
Fireburst [Sunburst/Sunfire] 
Firehawk [Firehawk/Firebird]-Bonita Reilly 
Fisk, Rupert [Rupert Thorn/Kingpin] 
Foton [Takion/Balder]
Fu Manchu [Fu Manchu/Dr. Fu Manchu] 
Funny Two-Shoes [Funnyface/Goody Tow-Shoes]
Gadgetmaster-Rogar Bitzers [Gadgeteer/Techmaster]
Gamer [Puzzler/Gamesmaster]
Gargoyle [Demon/Gargoyle] 
General. Annihilus [General. Immortus/Annihilus] 
Generic Man [Grooble Man/Generic Super-Hero]
Ghasilisk [Ghath/Basilisk] 
Ghost Destroyer [Invisible Destroyer/Ghost]
Ghosthunter [Manhunter III/Ghost Rider III] 
Gilgamesh the Resurrected [Resurrection Man/Gilgamesh]
Gladiator-Draaga Slatterus [Draaga/Champion]
Godesa [Godiva/Medesa] 
Golden Agent [Golden Eagle/U.S.Agent] 
Golden Streak [Golden Glider/Blue Streak]
Goliatom-Ray Pym [Atom II/Goliath]
Gorgon [Gorgon/Gorgon] 
Grave Question [Riddler/Tombstone] 
Green Cloak [Green Arrow II/Cloak] 
Grinning Goblin [Joker/Green Goblin] 
Grizzly Bear [Big Bear/Grizzly] 
Guardian America [Guardian/Captain America] 
Guardian Angel II-Warren Harper [Guardian/Angel II]
Gypsy [Gypsy/Invisible Woman] 
Hammer & Byte [Bug & Byte/Hammer & Anvil]
Hangman Knot [Slipknot/Hangman]
Harpi [Demonia/Gargoyle] 
Hawkeye [Hawk/Hawkeye]-Clint Hall 
Heater-Mick Horgan [Heatwave/Melter]
Heggra-San [Heggra/Sui-San]
Hellvixen-Mari Walker [Vixen/Hellcat]
Hex [Jinx/Scarlet Witch] 
Hole [Loophole/Spot]
Human Fire [Fire/Human Torch II] 
Ice Demon [Demon/Iceman] 
Insect Queen [Insect Queen/Mantis] 
Institute for Gifted Youngsters [Institute for Metahuman Studies/Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters]
I.Q. [Brainstorm/Leader] 
Iron Beetle [Blue Beetle/Iron Man I] 
Ironface [Goldface/Ironmonger]
Ivan Dragon [Ivan Chung/White Dragon]
James Powers [Austin Powers/James Bond]
Jesse Quicksilver [Jesse Quick/Quicksilver] 
Joe Benway [Joe Parry/Doc Benway]
Jonni Thundra [Jonni Thunder/Thundra] 
Jonah E. Nigma [Riddler/J. Jonah Jamerson] 
Justin Bloch [Jason Bloch/Justin Hammer]
Kardox Red [Kardox/Omega Red] 
Killer Whale [Orca/Orka]
King Cerebrus [Admiral Cerebrus/Shadow King] 
Kong-Drew Josten [Gorilla Grodd/Goliath]
Korvac the Infinite Man-Jaxon Korvac [Infinite Man/Korvac]
Krystal Kid-Krystalin [Crystal Kid/Krystalin]
Kulamon [Kulak/Aggamon]
Lady Dolphin [Dolphin/Lady Deathstrike] 
Lady Samurai [Lady Shiva/Silver Samurai]
Last Patriot of America [Last Son of Kryton/Super-Patriot]
Light Arrow [Speedy II/Dagger] 
Lilandra Lane [Lois Lane/Lilandra] 
Living Black Lightning [Black Lightning/Living Lightning] 
Linear Watchers [Linear Men/Watchers]
Living Light [Dr. Light/Living Laser]
Lock Down [Lock-Up/Post]
Lokibak [Kalibak/Loki]
Lord Lucifer [Lord Satanis/Lucifer]
Lord Tigorr [Tigorr/Lord Tyger] 
Lori Guthrie [Lori/Husk]
Mad Thinker-Clifford Santini [Thinker/Mad Thinker]
Magma Man [Volcano Man/Magma]
Magno [Magno Lad/Magneto]
Man-Animal [Animal Man/Man-Beast] 
Mandaran [Wotan/Mandarin] 
Man-Mammoth [Mammoth/Man-Elephant] 
Man-Mountain Marko [Man-Mountain/Man-Mountain Marko] 
Man-Swamp [Swamp Thing/Man-Thing] 
Mary Marvel [Mary Marvel/Mary Jane Watson] 
Magnus, Larry [Will Magnus/Larry Trask]
Master Menace (Earth J) [Lex Luthor/Master Menace (Earth S)] 
Master Mindboggler [Mindboggler/Mastermind II]
Master Nazi [Captain Nazi/Master Man]
Masters of Order [Lords of Order/Master Order]
Maverick Kid [Wyoming Kid/Maverick]
Maximum [Maximum/Maxim]-h
Maxwell Zeus [Maxwell Zeus/Electro] 
May Wayne [Wayne element/Aunt May]
Meggan [Element Girl/Meggan] 
Merc [Hitman/Solo] 
Mercury [Orion/Quicksilver] 
Merry Fortune [Merryman/Dominic Fortune] 
Metallron [Metallo/Ultron] 
Micro-Scott Palmer  [Atom II/Micromax]
Micron [Ion/Micro Max]
Midnight-Slayer [Night-Slayer/Midnight Man]-
Mind Master Mysto [Mysto/Mind Master Excello]
Miss Whip-Marla Gaynor [Whip/Miss Fury]
Mr. Rag Doll [Rag Doll/Mr. Doll]
Mr. Spectro [Dr. Spectro/Mr. Fear]
Mockingbird [Mockingbird/Mockingbird] 
Mole Man [Mole/Mole Man] 
Monslaught [Monarch/Onslaught] 
Monster of Frankenstein [Spawn of Frankenstein/Frankenstein's Monster]
Moonstar-Mar'i Grayson [Nightstar/Moon Knight]
Moonstarr [Blackstarr/Moonstone] 
Mountain Lion [Catman/Puma] 
Mysti Quinn [Harley Quinn/Mystique]
Nameless [Nameless/Lorelei(BoEM)]
Namera [Mera/Namora]
Nathaniel Taylor [Nathanial Dusk/Taxi Taylor]
Nebikonn [Nebiros/Ikonn]
Nemesis Kid [Nemesis Kid/Nemesis]
Neuturion [Neutron/Sunturion] 
Night Beast [B’Wana Beast/Nightcrawler] 
Nightdevil-Matt Grayson  [Nightwing/Daredevil]
Nightmaster [Nightmaster/Master] 
Nightrider [Nightrider/Morbius] 
Night Shroud-Eve Eden [Nightshade/Shroud]
Night Stalkers [Night Force/Nightstalkers]
Night Thrash [Nightwing/Night Thrasher] 
Nightwing [Batman element, Nightwing/Redwing] 
NKVDemogoblin [NKVDemon/Demogoblin] 
Oa-Prime, The Living Controller Planet [Oa, Controllers/Ego-Prime, Ego, The Living Planet]
Offshoot [Offspring/Sandman]
Omega the Multi-Alien [Ultra the Multi-Alien/Omega the Unknown] 
Osmium [Lead/Blob]
Ovoid Dominators [Dominators/Ovoids]
Panthea [Pantha/Panthea] 
Phantazmia [Phantasm/Phantazia] 
Phantom Lass [Phantom Lad/Glamor]
Plasma [Plasmus/Magma II] 
Poison [Bane/Venom] 
Power Yankee [Power Lad/Yankee Clipper]
Primal II [Wildcat II/Coal Tiger, Wild Thing]
Professor Karl Milo [Professor Milo/Dr. Karl Malus]
Professor Psycho [Dr. Psycho/Professor Power]
Project: S.T.A.R. Pegasus [S.T.A.R. Labs/Project: Pegasus]
Protecto [Mento/Protector] 
Proteax [Protean/Plodex]
Proteus [Proteus/Proteus] 
Psilocke [Psi/Psylocke] 
Psitallo [Psimon/Mentallo]
Pteracen [Pterodon/Saracen]
Pun [Joker/Madcap] 
Punch & Anvil [Punch & Jewelee/Hammer & Anvil]
Puzzlemaster [Puzzler/Gamesmaster] 
Pyreus [Effigy/Nova II]
Pyrofist [Firefist/Pyro] 
Quasar-Ray Rider [Ray II/Nova I]
Queeg [Tharr/Queeg]
Rag Knight [Ragman/Moon Knight] 
Rainbow Raiders [Rainbow Raider/Raiders]
Rakata [Rath/Nakata]
Raptor [Predator/Peregrine] 
Reactor-Ben Lu [Reactron/Radioactive Man]
Reaper-Albert Valley [Azrael/Wolverine, Albert]
Reptile [Croc/Lizard]
Red Knight-Dick Grayson [Red Robin/Moon Knight]
Ria [Dryad/Ria]
Rictor [Quakemaster/Vibro]
Rivalry [Rival/Whizzer I]
Robin Hood: Thieves in Tights [Robin Hood: Men in Tights/Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves]
Ron-Karr [Ron-Karr/Eel II]
Rotten [Decay/Carrion]
Roxxon Oil [Dikesco Oil, International Petroleum/Roxxon Oil]
Rusty Daley [Bob Daley/Rusty]
Ryan Masterson [Orion/Eric Masterson]
Sabra [Seraph/Sabra] 
Sandstorm [Scirocco/Quicksand]
Sapphire [Star Sapphire/Masque]
Sarah Kent [Laurel Kent/Crusader] 
Satannush [Satanus/Satannish]
Savage 2099 [Vandel Savage/Ravage 2099]
Sawyer, Jean [Maggie Sawyer/Jean De Wolff]
Scar [Zsasz/Jigsaw] 
Scarlet Azrael [Azrael/Scarlet Spider] 
Scarlett Blade [Scarlett/Blade]
Scourge [Sabre/Scourge] 
Senn'Lila [Senn Rendle, Darkstars element/De'Lila, Starbrand element]
Sentry-Jim Scott [Sentinel/Human Torch I]
Shatterstarfire I [Starfire I/Shatterstar I]
Shaw, Shinobi [Deadline/Shinobi Shaw]
She-Skulk-Jennifer Walters [Soloman Grundy/She-Hulk]
Silver Huntress-Sable Bertinelli  [Huntress/Silver Sable]
Silvermane, Sterling [Sterling Silversmith/Silermane]
Skulkbuster Iron Lantern-Hal Stark [Green Lantern I&II/Hulkbuster Iron Man]
Slip’n’Slyde [Slipstream/Slyde] 
Snake [Copper Head/Slither] 
Soldier,The-Clark Kent [Superman/The Captain]
Soldierbots [Superman Robots/Ameridroid]
Son of Vultan [Son of Vulcan/Son of Satan] 
Space Quest [Galaxy Quest/Space Balls]
Speed Demon [Speed Demon/Speed Demon] 
Speed Demon of the 23rd Century-Sela Allen [Sela Allen/Ghost Rider (GotG)] 
Spellbinder [Spellbinder/Mesmero]
Splicer [Slasher/Splice]
Split-Mite [Split-Man/Thermite]
Spore [Batman/Spawn/Punisher]
Starfire [Starfire/Dazzler] 
Stark [Evil Green Lantern Corp. In the 30th Cent./Stark (a race in Guardians of the Galaxy]
Star Marvel [Starman(Mikaal Tomas)/Captain Mar-Vell] 
Star Quasar [Starman(Prince Gavyen)/Quasar] 
Steel Claw [Leatherwing/Wolverine]
Steel Jack [Steel II/Union Jack] 
Stinger [Stinger/Stinger] 
Strangefate [Fate/Strange]
Streak [Glimmer/Runner]
Strongbow, James [Strong-Boy/Warpath]
Super Agent [Superboy II/U.S.Agent] 
Supergirl [Supergirl/Rogue] 
Superlad -Jimmy Olsen [Superlad/Bucky]
Super Man [Superman/Wonder Man] 
Swarm [Queen Bee/Swarm] 
Swift-Bobbi Harper [Speedy II/Mockingbird]
Syncher [Spoiler/Synch]
Tall Tower [Tall Trees/Tower] 
Tanga [DC Tangent/Marvel Manga]
Tarface [Clayface/Tar Boy] 
Texas Tornado [Red Tornado/Texas Twister] 
Thangul [Mongul/Thanos] 
Thogazar [Abnegazar/Thog]
Thorn [Thorn/Thorn] 
Thrust-Barry West [Barry West/Torque]
Thunder Bird [Robin II/Thunderbird I] 
Thunderbird II [Thunder/Thunderbird II] 
Thunder-Bolt [Thunder-Man/Hurricane]
Tiger Shark-Todd Arliess [Shark/Tiger Shark]
Time Centurion [Lord of Time/Scarlet Centurion]
Titanestro-Mandarinestro [Sinestro/Titanium Man]
Tom McKenzie [Tom Curry/Leonard McKenzie]
Toymaster [Toyman/Puppet Master]
Tremor [Terra/Avalanche] 
Tribunal [Spectre/Living Tribunal]
Trickster [Prankster/Jester] 
Two-Face [Two-Face/Carnage, Venom] 
Typhoon [Tsunami/Whirlwind] 
Trouble Twins [Double Dare/Double Trouble]
Ultra Bummer [Major Bummer/Captain Ultra]
Ultra Slave [Ultra Man/Super Slave]
Ultra the Unknown [Ultra the Multi-Alien/Omega the Omega] 
Uncle Alfred [Alfred/Aunt May] 
USA (Uncle Sam's Avenger)-Sam Bryon [Uncle Sam/Young Avenger]
Vengeance-Walter West [Dark Flash/Vengeance]
Walking Star [Walking Sun/Firestar]
Watch King [Clock King/Watchwraith] 
Watchmen [Oan Manhunters/Kree Sentries]
Wendigo [Shaggy Man/Wendigo] 
Whiplash [Syonide/Blacklash]
White Omen [Omen/White Queen] 
White Tiger [Tiger/White Tiger I, Power Man]
Wildebeast [Wildebeest/Beast] 
X'harra [X'hal/Sharra]
X-Ray [Ray II/X-Man] 
Yellow Claw [Steelclaw/Yellow Claw] 
Yeti [Snowman/Wendigo]
Yondu-3 Queen [Oli-3 Queen/Yondu]
Zero [Zero/Zero] 

6 Soldiers of Liberty [7 Soldiers of Victory/Liberty Legion] 
Crimson Raven [Crimson Avenger/Red Raven] 
Green Diamond [Green Arrow I/Blue Diamond] 
Star-Spangled America [Star-Spangled Kid/Miss America] 
Shining Patriot [Shining Knight/Patriot] 
Speedy [Speedy I/Whizzer I] 
Jack Frost [Vigilante/Jack Frost] 

Alien Races 
Millennium Celestials [Millennium Giants/Celestials] 
Brood [Bloodline Aliens/Brood] 
Daksamites [Daxamites/Dakksmites] 
Dominatoids [Dominators/Ovoids] 
Durullan [Durlan/Skrull] 
Gegons [Psions/Gegku] 
Gil’Mggani [Gil’Dishpan/S’Mggani] 
Khumado [Khund/Kamado] 
Kroans [Oans/Kree] 
Linear Watchers [Linear Men/Watchers] 
Pheraana [Okaana/Pheragots] 
Proteax [Protean/Plodex] 
Tha’nar [Thanagarian/Shi’ar] 

ALJ Next [Justice League/A Next] 
Argion the Almighty [Orion/Argo the Almighty] 
Blue Flash [Flash/Blue Streak] 
Crimsonmage [Dragonmage/Crimson Curse] 
Dream Hawk [Hawkman II/American Dream] 
Firesting [Fire/Stinger] 
Freebooter [Hawk/Freebooter] 
Green Light [John Stewart/Black Light] 
Green Sentry [Green Lantern/Earth Sentry] 
Marvelstrike [Captain Marvel/Thunderstrike] 
M2 [Mongul/J2] 
Ruby Tiger [Crimson Fox/Coal Tiger] 
System [Steel II/Mainframe] 

All-Star Squadron [DC] 
Amazing Marvel [Amazing Man/Black Marvel] 
American Eagle [Hawkman I/Captain America]-Carter Rogers 
Atom [Atom I/Defender] 
Black Tarantula [Tarantula/Black Widow I] 
Blue Lantern [Green Lantern I/Blue Diamond]-Alan Marrow 
Destroyer [Hourman/Destroyer] 
Firetorch [Firebrand II/Human Torch I] 
Flexo, The Plastic Man [Plastic Man/Flexo, The Rubber Man] 
Major Liberty Belle [Liberty Belle/Major Liberty] 
Robotman I [Robotman I/Electro the Wonder Robot] 

AlphaC.A.T.s [WildC.A.T.s/Alpha Flight]Idea from a poster with a Maul/Sasquath amalgam 
Gladiator [Spartan/Guardian] 
Voidicator [Void/Vindicator] 
Mammoth [Maul/Sasquath] 
Dogma [Zealot/Diamond Lili] 
Windgrift [Grifter/Windshear] 
Blade [Warblade/Box] 
Hougan [Voodoo/Shaman] 
Lord Puck [Lord Emp/Puck] 

Alpha Outsiders [Outsiders/Alpha Flight]-Dark Claw's former team 
Aura-Jean-Marie Doe [Halo/Aurora] 
Black Light-Jean-Paul Pierce [Black Lightning/Northstar] 
Defender-Heather Yamashiro [Katana/Vindicator] 
Geo-Guardian-James Markov [Geo-Force/Guardian] 
Metabox-Rex Jeffries [Metamorpho/Box] 
Persuader-Kara Briggs [Looker/Persuasion] 

Avengers of Angor [Heroes of Angor/Avengers] 
Jack B. Quicksilver [Jack B. Quick/Quicksilver] 
Raiden [Wandjina/Thor] 
Scarlet Sorceress [Silver Sorceress/Scarlet Witch] 
Yellow Jay [Blue Jay/Yellowjacket] 

Avenger League of Justice [Justice League/Avengers] 
American Eagle [Hawkman II/Captain America]-Carter Rogers 
Captain Marvel [Captain Marvel/Thor]-Billy Blake 
Crimson Panther [Crimson Fox/Black Panther]-Vivian & Constance T’Challa 
Firefly [Fire/Wasp]-Janet Van DeCosta 
Goliath [Steel I/Giant-Man]-Hank Pym 
Green Marvel I [Green Lantern II/Captain Marvel I]-Hal-Vell 
Green Marvel II [John Stewart/Captain Marvel (Photon)]-Monica Stewart 
Hellvixen [Vixen/Hellcat] 
Ms. Wonder [Wonder Woman/Ms. Marvel]-Diana Danver 
Quasar-Gold [Wonder-Gold/Quasar]-Wendell Carter 
Silver Flash I [Flash II/Quicksilver]-Pietro Allen 
Silver Flash II [Flash III/Quicksilver]-Wally Maximoff 
Spider-Batman [Batman/Spider-Man]-Bruce Parker 
Steel [Steel (John Henry)/Iron Man]-John Henry Stark 
Tasmanian Beast [Tasmanian Devil/Beast] 

Brotherhood of Evil Mutants [Marvel] 
Black Blob [Black Mass/Blob] 
Dr. Magneto [Dr. Polaris/Magneto]-Erik Emmerson 
King Toad [King Snake/Toad] 
Mr. Mastermind [Mr. Mxyzptlk/Mastermind] 
Parasite [Parasite/Sauron]-Rudy Lykos 
Pyro [Volcano Man/Pyro] 

Brotherhood of Mutants [Brotherhood of Evil/Brotherhood of Evil Mutants]
Dr. Magnetism-Erik Emerson [Dr. Polaris/Magneto] 
Plasnus-Otto Bain [Plasmus/ Unus] 
Master Rouge [Madame Rouge/Quicksilver] 
Witch Doctor-Wanda Droo [Hougan/Scarlet Witch]female 
Phobia Master-Angela Wyngarde [Phobia/Mastermind]male 
Frog [Monsuiar Mallah/Toad] 

Cadre of Evil [Cadre/Alliance of Evil]
Craze [Crowbar/Frenzy] 
Black Tower [Black Mass/Tower] 
Shatter [Shatterfist/Stinger] 
Timeshade [Nightfall/Timeshadow] 

Cosmic Beings, Demons, Gods (Demigods), and Guys with a lot of power 
Airon [Auron/Air Walker] 
Armageddon [Doomsday/Apocalypse] 
Bernadethurge [Bernadeth/Deathurge] 
Beta Ray Ben [Ben Boxer/Beta Ray Bill] 
Black Axe [Black Adam/Bloodaxe] 
Bloody Selene [Bloody Mary/Selene] 
Captain Thunderstrike [Captain Thunder/Thunderstrike] 
Chromian [Chroma/Glorian] 
Chronos, Titan God of Time [Chronos/Kronos] 
Cyborrax [Cyborg II/Terrax] 
Deity [Kismet/Goddess]
Deity [Superwoman/Goddess] 
Doc Orion [Orion/Doc Samson] 
Dormammu the Dreamslayer [Dreamslayer/Dormammu] 
Ego the Sun-Eater [Sun-Eater/Ego the Living Planet] 
Emissary [Brimstone/Servitor] 
Fin Fang Fume [Chemo/Fin Fang Foom] 
Green Marvel III [Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)/Legacy] 
Green Surfer [Green Lantern/Silver Surfer] 
Hate [Anti-Monitor/Hate] 
Herion [Orion/Hercules] 
Immortus the Time Lord [Lord of Time/Immortus] 
Imperictus [Imperiex/Galactus] 
Infinity, The Gladiator Man [Infinity Man/Gladiator] 
Kaliblack [Kalibak/Blackheart] 
Kang the Anti-Monitor [Anti-Monitor/Kang] 
Killgus [Kill%or/Magus] 
King Kurse [King Kull/Kurse] 
Legion [Legion/Legion] 
Lilith Goodness [Granny Goodness/Lilith] 
Lobo the Hulk [Lobo/Hulk] 
Lockjaw [Apokolips Hell Hound/Lockjaw] 
Lokiseid [Darkseid/Loki] 
Lord Chaos [Lord Chaos/Lord Chaos] 
Lord Paganis [Lord Satanis/Pagan] 
Love [Monitor/Love] 
Mephistaze [Blaze/Mephista] 
Mephistrigon [Trigon/Mephisto] 
Mr. Molecule [Mr. Element/Molecule Man] 
Mr. Mxyzstck [Mr. Mxyzptlk/Slapstick] 
Monarch [Monarch/Beyonder] 
Mongnaut [Mongul/Juggernaut] 
Morce [Major Force/Morg] 
Nebikonn [Nebiros/Ikonn] 
Neronslaught [Neron/Onslaught] 
Nightmare the Sandman [Sandman (Vertigo)/Nightmare] 
Nimbus Cloud [Nimbus/Cloud] 
Phantom Stranger [Phantom Stranger/Stranger] 
Power Girl [Power Girl/M] 
Pyreus [Effigy/Nova II] 
Rakata [Rath/Nakata] 
Satannush [Satanus/Satannish] 
Scarlet Mongul [Mongul/Scarlet Centurion] 
Solarr Stargrave [Pulsar Stargrave/Solarr] 
Spider-Mite [Bat-Mite/Spider-Ham] 
Starlord [Starfire/Firelord] 
Temptress [Amazing Grace/Lorelei] 
Tharallax [Parallax/Thanos] 
Thogazar [Abnegazar/Thog] 
Tribunal [Spectre/Living Tribunal] 
Ulibac [Ibac/Ulik] 
Vultan [Vulcan/Satan] 
Wave Surfer [Wave Rider/Silver Surfer] 

Creature Command [Creature Commandos]-Team of monsters durin WWII 
John Morbius [Velcro?/Morbius] 
"Lucky" Golem ["Lucky" Taylor/Golem] 
James Talbot [?/?] 
Medusa the Inhuman [Medusa] 

Dark Soldier
Dark Soldier-Bruce Rogers [Batman/Captain America]
U.S.Azrael-Jean-Paul Walker [Azrael/U.S.Agent]
Drifter-Dick Munroe [Nightwing/Nomad]
Blue Jay II-Bucky Todd [Robin II/Bucky]
Blue Jay III-Tim Barnes [Robin III/Bucky]
Black Falcon-Jefferson Wilson [Black Lightning/Falcon]
Dark Victory [Batman 1m/Major Victory] 
Dark Dream [Batman Beyond/American Dream] 
Anarky Spirit [Anarky/Free Spirit] 
Citizen H [Huntress/Citizen V III] 
White Skull-Jack Shmidt [Joker/Red Skull]
Baron Zero-Victor Zemo [Mr. Freeze/Baron Zemo]
Rodent-Anthony Lupus [Anthony Lupus/Vermin]
Crossbane [Bane/Crossbones] 
Armin Milo [Prof Milo/Armin Zola] 
Diamondwoman [Catwoman/Diamondback] 
Phantom Scourge [Phantasm/Scourge] 
Harley Viper [Harley Quinn/Viper] 
Demon Claw [Ra's Al Ghul/Yellowclaw] 
Mad Riddle [Riddler/Madcap] 
Rage [Wrath/Batroc] 
NKVDirector [NKVDemon/Grand Director] 

Deviants of Apokilips [Gods of Apokilips/Deviants] 
Todeseid [Darkseid/Tode] 
Brosaad [DeSaad/Broop] 
Kaliphrax [Kalibak/Cataphrax] 
Dr. Ragar [Dr. Bedlum/Ragar] 
Glorious Ghaur [Glorious Godfrey/Ghaur] 
Granny Ahqlau [Granny Goodness/Ahqlau] 
Draggra [Heggra/Dragona] 
Kanto Rojo [Kanto/Toro Rojo] 
Shelmantis [Mantis/Shelmar] 
Karygmari [Mokkari/Karygmax] 
Steppenkro [Steppenwolf/Kro] 
Devilance the Reject[Devilance/Reject] 
Viggra [Tiggra/Vira] 
Simyanar [Simyan/Ranar] 
Virmin Sluice [Virmin Vundabar/Sluice] 

Elder Guardians of the Universe [Guardians of the Universe/Elders of the Universe] 
Despero the Obliterator [Despero/Obliterator] 
Devilance the Possessor [Devilance/Possessor] 
Gladiator [Draaga/Champion] 
Grandmaster [Overmaster/Grandmaster] 
Impulsive Runner [Impulse/Runner] 

Elite Warriors [Elite Brigade/New Warriors] 
Psilent Justice [Psilncer/Justice]-Vance Thomas 
Pyrostar [Firestar/Pyrogen]-Angelica Tielli 
Shadow Lotus [White Lotus/Silhouette]-Nona Lin-Baker 
Nightburst [Outburst/Night Thrasher]-Dwayne Andersen 
Vishnu [Brahma/Rage]-Cal Holiday 
Loser Nova [Loser/Nova]-Theo Rider 

Emissaries of Fear [Fearsome Five/Emissaries of Evil II]-JLA & New Teen Warriors villains 
Solarron [Neutron/Solarr] 
Elephant [Mammoth/Rhino] 
Head Wave [Brain Wave/Egghead] 
Blue Cobalt Man [Blue Cobalt/Cobalt Man] 

Enforcers [Gang/Enforcers]-Spider-Boy villains 
Big Brain [Brain/Big Man] 
Bull [Bulldozer/Ox I] 
Gorilla [Kong/Ox II] 
Ms. Montana [Ms. Mesmer/Montana] 

Eternalympians [Olympians/Eternals] 
Athena [Athena/Thena]* 
Hephastos [Hephaestus/Phastos]* 
Serci [Circe/Sersi] 
Eros [Eros/Starfox]* 
Hero [Hercules/Forgotten One]* 
Zeuras [Zeus/Zuras] 
Cybeter [Demeter/Cybelle]* 
Khorypheus [Orpheus/Khoryphos]* 
Max Makkari [Max Mercury, Mercury?/Makkari] 
Helios [Helios/Helios]* 
Ajax the Greater [Ajax the Greater/Ajak]* 
Ars [Mars/Ares, Kro?] 
Ajax the Lesser [Ajax the Lesser/Arex]* 
Poseidon [Poseidon/Poseidon, Oceanus?] 
Agenar [Agenir/Aginar]* 
Atlos [Atlas/Atlo]* 
Ikarus [Icarus/Ikaris]* 
Oceanus [Oceanus/Oceanus]* 
Perseus [Perseus/Perseus]* 
Demetyr [Demeter/Demeityr]* 
Mentor [Mentor/Mentor]* 
Dionysus [Dionysus/Dionysus]* 
Kronus [Cronus/Kronos]* 
Vulkin [Vulcan/Valkin] * 

Atlantis at War [Our Worlds at War/Atlantis Attacks] 
Contest of Legends [Legends/Contest of Champions] 
Day of Vengeance [Day of Judgment/Acts of Vengeance] 
Genesis War [Genesis/Evolutionary War] 
Inferno Unleashed [Underworld Unleashed/Inferno] 
Infinity Crisis [Crisis on Infinite Earths/Infinity Crusade] 
Infinity War of the Gods [War of the Gods/Infinity War] 
Millennium Agenda [Millennium/X-tinction Agenda] 
Operation: Galactic Invasion [Invasion/Operation: Galactic Storm] 
Secret Armageddon [Armageddon 2001/Secret Wars I&II] 

Factor, Inc. [Infinity, Inc./X-Factor] 
Silver Havok [Silver Scarab/Havok] 
Strong Guy [Nuklon/Strong Guy] 
Feral [Fury/Wolfsbane] 
Polaria [Jade/Polaris] 
Quick Obsidian [Obsidian/Quicksilver] 
Multiwave [Brainwave, Jr./Multiple Man] 

Fantastic Legion [Legion of Super-Heroes/Fantastic Four 2099] 
Fantastic Lad [Elastic Lad/Mr.Fantastic] 
Invisible Girl [Invisible Kid/Invisible Woman] 
Block [Blok/Thing] 
Sun Torch [Sun Boy/Human Torch]

Fantastic Patrol [Doom Patrol/Fantastic Four] 
Fantastic Chief [Chief/Mr. Fantastic]-Reed Caulder 
Invisi-Girl [Elasti-Girl/Invisible Woman] 
Negative Torch [Negative Man/Human Torch II] 
Robotman II [Robotman II/Thing]-Cliff Grimm 

Fantastic Sea Devils [Sea Devils/Fantastic Four] 
Reed Dorrance [Dane Dorrance/Reed Richards] 
Ben Bailey [Biff Bailey/Ben Grimm] 
Judy Storm [Judy Walton/Sue Storm] 
Nicky Storm [Nicky Walton/Johnny Storm] 

Fatal Force [Fatal Five/Starforce] 
Tharonan [Tharok/Ronan] 
Supruader [Persuader/Supremor] 
Manorath [Mano/Korath] 
Morderax [Mordecai/Shatterax] 
Emerald Ultimus [Emerald Empress/Ultimus] 

Fearsome Four [Fearsome Five/Fearsome Four]-X-Patrol Villains 
Dr. Lightmaster [Dr. Light/Lightmaster] 
Elephant [Mammoth/Rhino] 
Psitallo [Psimon/Mentallo] 
Solarron [Neutron/Solarr] 

Freedom Crusaders [Freedom Brigade/Crusaders] 
Captain Patriot [Patriot/Captain Wings] 
Ghost Lady [Lady Liberty/Ghost Girl] 
Captain Blitz [Captain Swift/Tommy Lightning] 
Dyna-Might [Mr. Might/Dyna-Mite] 
Bowman of ‘76 [Bowman/Spirit of ‘76] 
Princess Thunder [Princess Power/Thunder Fist] 

Baron Kadabra [Abra Kadabra/Baron Mordo]-64th Century 
Charlie KL-29 [Chris KL-99/Charlie-27]-31st Century 
Computok [Computo/Modok]-30th Century 
Fire Lass [Fire Lad/Nikki]-30th Century 
Flash 2099 [Flash 1m/Meanspeed]-2099 
Professor Quick [Professor Zoom/Quicksilver]-25th Century 
Spider-Bat [Batman 1m/Spider-Man 2099]-2099 
Tiger Wylde [Wylde/Tiger Wylde]-2099 

Generation Justice [Justice League/Generation X] 
Plastic Skin [Plastic Man/Skin] 
N [Nuklon/M] 
Sparks [Dr. Light II/Jubilee] 
Barrel [Ray II/Chamber] 
Supersonic [Superman/Banshee] 
Wonder Queen [Wonder Woman/White Queen] 

Generation Ravers [Ravers/Generation X] 
Sparkler [Sparx/Jubilee] 
Magnum [Kaliber/Chamber] 
Husk [Hero/Husk] 
Aura Frost [Aura/Emma Frost] 
Half-Skin [Half-Life/Skin] 

Giant Monsters [Godzilla monster/other monsters]-the threats to Japan and England 
Kogzilla [Godzilla/King Kong]-King of the Monsters 
Angamlras [Angilas/Gamera]-Kongzilla's ally 
Gaodan [Rodan/Gaos]-Kongzilla's Ally 
Son of Kongzilla [Son of Godzilla/Son of Kong]-no threat 
Ultra Jaguar [Jet Jaguar/Ultraman II]-ally of Kongzilla 
Baraugon [Baragon/Barugon]-villain of Kongzilla 
Mecha Kongzilla [Mecha Godzilla/Mechni King Kong]-villain of Kongzilla 
Guigan [Gigan/Guiron]-villain of Kongzilla 
King Jigurah [King Ghidrah/Jigura]-villain of Kongzilla 
Gorga [Gorgo/Konga]-Englands only known threat 
Virako [Oodako/Vira]-Kongzilla's and Angamlras villain 
Yongmagwi [Monster Wangmagwi/Yongkari]-The Korean Kongzilla 

Golden Age 
Action Figure [Dollman/Puck] 
American Hawk(Earth J) [Hawkman I/American Eagle(Earth S)] 
Baron Skull [Baron Bedlum, Baron Blitzkrieg/Red Skull] 
Black Jack [Blackhawk/Union Jack] 
Black Rockman [Black Rock/Rockman] 
Blazing Ghost [Gay Ghost/Blazing Skull] 
Blue Blaze Boys [Blue Boys/Blue Blaze] 
Captain Ghost [Gay Ghost/Captain Terror] 
Captain Patriot [Captain Triumph/Miss Patriot]-female 
Captain Terrific [Mr. Terrific/Captain Terror] 
Captain 3xs [Captain X/3xs] 
Captain Toro [Captain Triumph/Toro] 
Catfish [Wildcat I/Namora] 
Commander Secret [Commander Steel/Secret Stamp] 
Crimson Bee [Red Bee/Crimson Commando] 
Crimson Patriot [Crimson Avenger/Patriot] 
Dr. Druidoccult [Dr. Occult/Dr. Druid] 
Dr. Wit-Ness [Dr. Mid-Nite/Witness] 
Dyna-Angel [Dyna-Mite/Angel I] 
Dyna Arrow [Green Arrow I/Dynaman] 
Eagle [Fox Feature’s Eagle/Eagle] 
Hawky [Hawkgirl/Bucky] 
"Headline" Bradley [Slam Bradley/Headline Hunter]
Hercules [Quality's Hercules/Hercules] 
Hermes [Quicksilver/Mercury] 
Hooded Vision [Invisible Hood/Vision I] 
Human Bee [Red Bee/Human Fly] 
Human Ray [Ray I/Human Top] 
Human Thunderer [Human Bomb/Thunderer] 
Jack Fire [Firebrand/Jack Frost] 
Jester Mask [Jester/Laughing Mask] 
Johnny Whizz [Johnny Quick/Whizzer I] 
King Fin [King/Fin] 
Kulamon [Kulak/Aggamon] 
Little Boy Blue Blaze [Little Boy Blue/Blue Blaze] 
Major Steel [Commander Steel/Major Liberty] 
Major Strucker [Iron Major/Baron Strucker] 
Midnight Mask [Midnight/Purple Mask] 
Miss America [Miss America/Miss America] 
Miss Fury [Fury I/Miss Fury] 
Miss Triumph [Captain Triumph/Miss Patriot] 
Mr.E [Mr.E/Mr.E] 
Mr. Wonder [Mr. America/Captain Wonder] 
Monsoon [Tsunami/Hurricane] 
Neon Girl [Neon the Unknown/Golden Girl] 
Neptune Mariner [Neptune Perkins/Sub-Mariner] 
Phantom Bullet Lady [Phantom Lady/Phantom Bullet] 
Phantom Bulletman [Fawcett's Bulletman/Phantom Bullet] 
Professor Fate(Earth J) [Dr. Fate I/Professor Iman(Earth S)] 
Red Torpedo [Red Torpedo/Torpedo] 
Robotman [Robotman I/Electro the Wonder Robot] 
Roko the Amazing Man [Centuar's Amazing Man/Roko the Amazing] 
Sargar the Mystic Sorcerer [Sargon the Sorcerer/Magar the
Shining Crusader [Shining Knight/Crusade] 
Spy Challenger [Fawcett's Spy Smasher/Challenger] 
Star-Spangled Citizen [Star-Spangled Kid/Citizen V] 
Stuporbullet [Bulletman/Stuporman] 
Sub-Terra-Man [Terra-Man/Sub-Earth Man] 
Super Stripesy [Stripesy/Super Slave] 
Tiger Man [Street & Smith’s Tiger Man/Tiger Man] 
Time Bomb [Human Bomb/Father Time] 
TNThin Man [TNT/Thin Man] 
Typhoid Rose [Rose & Thorn I/Typhoid Mary] 
U-Shark [Killer Shark/U-Man] 
Ultra Rabbit [Ultraman/Super Rabbit] 
Vigilante [Vigilante I/Vagabond] 
Wave [Air Wave I/Subbie] 

Guardians Omega [Omega Men/Guardians of the Galaxy] 
Broot-27 [Broot/Charlie-27] 
Doc Martinex [Doc/Martinex] 
Nikkirral [Zirral/Nikki] 
Primus, Vance [Primus/Vance Astro] 
Rynondu [Rynoc/Yondu] 
Starharpie [Harpie/Starhawk] 

Helune [Jejune Realm/Heliopolis]-Pantheon of Gods 
Horext [Vext/Horus] 
Textris [Textacl/Osiris] 
Shrisis [Shrike M'ota/Isis] 
Gekko [Ekko/Geb] 
Paranut [Paramour/Nut] 
Serupt'n [Erupt'n/Seth] 

Hypercross Time Team 
Clawed League of America [Justice League of America/Wolverine] 
Dark Claw [Batman/Wolverine] 
Blade Runner [Flash III/Wolverine] 
Super Claw [Superman/Wolverine] 
Green Claw [Green Lantern III/Wolverine] 
Wolve-Hawk [Hawkman/Wolverine] 
Wonderine [Wonder Woman/Wolverine] 
Seawolf [Aquaman/Wolverine]* 

Imperial Legion [Legion of Super-Heroes/Imperial Guard] 
Astral [Apparition/Astra] 
Cosmi-Tron [Cosmic Boy/Electron] 
Wolfang [Timber Wolf/Fang] 
Centurion [M’Onel/Gladiator] 
Goblin [Chameleon/Hobgoblin (IG)] 
Pulsefire [Wildfire/Impulse] 
White Magic [White Witch/Magic] 
Mentor 5 [Brainiac 5/Mentor] 
Nightshadow [Umbra/Nightside] 
Oracle [Saturn Girl/Oracle] 
Star Quasar [Star Boy/Quasar (IG)] 
Ultra Smasher [Ultra Boy/Smasher] 
Sunbolt [Sun Boy/Starbolt] 
Livefire [Live Wire/Flashfire] 
Levi-Titan [Leviathan/Titan] 
Bouncing Ball [Bouncing Boy/Hardball] 
Ferro Star [Ferro/Warstar] 
Midge [Shrinking-Violet/Midget] 

Infinity Corp [Green Lantern Corp./Infinity Watch] 
Moondragon [Arisia/Moondragon] 
Hal Warlock [Hal Jordan/Warlock] 
Kilorax [Kilowog/Drax] 
Chip [Ch’p/Pip] 
Gamora Tui [Katma Tui/Gamora] 

Infinty Watch,Inc. [Infinity,Inc./Infinity Watch] 
Furydragon [Fury/Moondragon] 
Gamora,Jr [Brainwave,Jr./Gamora] 
Nuklon [Nuklon/Drax] 
Obsidian Warlock [Obsidian/Adam Warlock] 
Silver Scarab [Silver Scarab/Pip the Troll] 

Injustice Flight [Injustice Gang of the World/Omega Flight] 
Chronos Alec [Chronos/Smart Alec] 
Crane, Delphine [Scarecrow/Delphine Courtney] 
Diamond Ivy [Poison Ivy/Diamond Lil] 
Flash Master [Mirror Master/Flashback] 
Libra, Jerry [Libra/Jerry Jaxon] 
Wild-Shadow [Shadow-Theif/Wild Child] 

Institute of Evil [Marvel] 
Doctor Sonar [Sonar/Dr.Decibel] 
Foxlight [Dr.Light I/Foxfire] 
Grodd-X [Grodd/Ape-X] 
Lamprey the Parasite [Parasite/Lamprey] 
Plastic Shape [Evil Plastic Man/Shape] 
Quasmire [Eclipso/Quasmire] 

Iron Speedster
Iron Speedster-Tony Allen, Wally Stark [Flash/Iron Man]
War Impulse-Bart Rhodes [Impulse/War Machine]
Processor [Kid Flash II/Maiframe] 
Titanium Trinity [Blue Trinity/Titanium Man] 
Heater [Heatwave/Melter] 
Coldfront [Captain Cold/Blizzard] 
Mabrarin [Abra Kadabra/Mandarin] 
Crimson Trinity [Red Trinity/Crimson Dynamo] 
Iron Flash [Reverse-Flash/Iron Monger] 
Rainbow Raiders [Rainbow Raider/Raiders] 

Infinity Rod [Cosmic Rod/Infinity Gauntlet] 
Manhunter Sentries [Manhunter Robots/Kree Sentries] 
Mother Nullifier [Mother Box/Ultimate Nullifier] 
Sentinels [Para-Demons/Sentinels] 
Supreme Battery [Central Battery/Supreme Intelligence] 

JLAvengers [JLA/Avengers] 
Wonder Wasp [Wonder Woman/Wasp] 
Plankton [Aquaman/Ant-Man] 
Martian Hulk [Martian Manhunter/Hulk] 
Hermod [Flash/Thor] 
Iron Lantern [Green Lantern II/Iron Man] 

JLAvengers [JLA/Avengers] 
Atomic Wasp [Atom/Wasp] 
Big Herc [Big Barda/Hercules] 
Black Beetle [Blue Beetle/Black Panther] 
Black Oracle [Oracle/Black Widow] 
Captain Wonder [Captain Marvel/Wonder Man] 
Dark Soldier [Batman/Captain America] 
Firestar [Fire/Firestar] 
Hawk [Hawkman/Falcon] 
Hawkeye [Green Arrow/Hawkeye] 
Hulk Woman [Wonder Woman/She-Hulk] 
Ice Crystal [Ice/Crystal] 
Iron Lantern [Green Lantern/Iron Man] 
Mariner [Aquaman/Namor] 
Martian Vision [Martian Manhunter/Vision] 
Ms. Power [Power Girl/Ms. Marvel] 
Plastic Machine [Plastic Man/Machine Man] 
Quasarfire [Firestorm/Quasar] 
Red Justice [Red Tornado/Justice] 
She-Beast [Vixen/Beast] 
Silver Flash [Flash/Quicksilver] 
Thor-El [Superman/Thor] 
Tigeress [Huntress/Tigra] 
Tristeel [Steel/Triathlon] 
War-Giant [Orion/Goliath] 
White Witch [Zantanna/Scarlet Witch] 

JLAvengers [JLA/Avengers] 
Wonder Wasp [Wonder Woman/Wasp] 
Silver Flash [Flash/Quicksilver] 
Tigeress [Huntress/Tigra] 
Hawk [Hawkman/Falcon] 
Black Oracle [Oracle/Black Widow] 
Quasarfire [Firestorm/Quasar] 
Mr. Plastic [Plastic Man/Mr. Fantastic] 
Firestar [Fire/Firestar] 
Tristeel [Steel (John Henry)/Triathlon] 
Machine Manhunter [Martian Manhunter/Machine Man] 
Prince of Power [Power Girl/Hercules] 
Big Hulk [Big Barda/She-Hulk] 
Justice [Batman/Justice] 
Crimson Panther [Crimson Fox/Black Panther] 
Tasmanian Beast [Tasmanian Devil/Beast] 
Hellvixen [Hellcat/Vixen] 
Agent Steel [Steel/U.S.Agent] 
Pantheon [Captain Marvel/Thunderstrike] 
Captain Light [Dr. Light II/Captain Marvel II] 
Hawkclaw [Hawkgirl/Silverclaw] 
Fury [Nuklon/Rage] 
Ms. Maxima [Maxima/Ms. Marvel] 
Metamorph [Metamorpho/Sersi] 
Captain Star [Captain Atom/Starfox] 
Ice Crystal [Ice/Crystal] 
Discharge [Ray II/Living Lightning] 
Warrior Machine [Warrior/War Machine] 
Blooddragon [Bloodwynd/Moondragon] 
Creeper-Woman [Creeper/Spider-Woman II] 
Mantis [Gypsy/Mantis] 
Vibe [Vibe/Black Knight] 
Enlargated Man [Elongated Man/Giant-Man] 
Monster [Blue Devil/Hulk] 
Darkangel [Zaurial/Darkhawk] 
Druid of Fate [Dr. Fate/Dr. Druid] 
Lightningbird [Black Lightning/Firebird] 
Gilgamesh the Resurrected [Resurrection Man/Gilgamesh] 
Aztek Moon [Aztek/Moon Knight] 

Justice Flight [Justice League/Alpha Flight] 
Big Foot [Tasmanian Devil/Sasquatch] 
Guardian [Guardian/Guardian] 
Northstar Man [Star Man II/Northstar] 
Snowbird [Robin II/Snowbird] 
Wildwynd [Bloodwynd/Wildheart] 
Windshear [Red Tornado/Windshear] 
Zantanna [Zantanna/Talisman] 
Zatara [Zatara/Shaman] 

Justice League Avengers [Justice League/Avengers] 
American Lantern [Green Lantern/Captain America] 
Big Bird [Black Canary/Giant-Man] 
Submarine [Aquaman/Iron Man] 
Hermod [Flash/Thor] 
Martian Wasp [Martian Manhunter/Wasp] 

Justice Society [DC] 
American Eagle [Hawkman I/Captain America] 
Atom [Atom I/Defender] 
Blue Lantern [Green Lantern I/Blue Diamond] 
Destroyer [Hourman/Destroyer] 
Flashfire [Flash I/Spitfire] 
Johnny Thunderer [Johnny Thunder/Thunderer] 
Sand Scorpion [Sandman I/Silver Scorpion] 
Stargirl [Star Man I/Sungirl] 

Justice Squadron [Justice League/Squadron Supreme] 
Amphiman [Aquaman/Amphibion]-Kingsley Curry 
Eagleman [Hawkman II/Blue Eagle]-James Hall 
Foxlight [Dr.Light II/Foxfire]-Olivia Underwood 
Green Archer [Green Arrow/Golden Archer]-Wyatt Queen 
Lady Canary [Black Canary/Lady Lark]-Linda Lance 
Nightbat [Batman /Nighthawk]-Bruce Richmond 
Nukestorm [Firestorm/Nuke]-Ronnie Gaines 
Plastic Shape [Plastic Man/Shape] 
Power Woman [Wonder Woman/Power Princess]-Zarda Prince 
Redsteel [Steel I/Redstone]-Michael Heywood 
Skrullian Manhunter [Martian Manhunter/Skrull]J’onn J’onzz 
Spectral Lantern [Green Lantern II/Dr.Spectrum]-Hal Ledger 
Superion [Superman/Hyperion]-Clark Milton, Zhib-El 
Thermite [Fire,Ice/Thermite]-Sam Tora DaCosta 
Tom Oberon [Oberon/Tom Thumb]-Thomas Oberon 
Whizz [Flash III/Whizzer II]-Barry Arnold(First), Stanley West(Second) 
Zacranna [Zantanna/Acranna]-Arcanna Zatara 

Justice Warriors [Justice League/New Warriors] 
Bloodrage [Bloodwynd/Rage] 
Aquagirl [Aquaman/Namorita] 
Nightbat [Batman/Night Thrasher] 
Supernova [Superman/Nova] 
Fastball [Flash/Speedball] 
Turbo-Booster [Booster-Gold/Turbo] 
Darksteel [Steel (John Henry)/Darkhawk] 
Firestar [Fire/Firestar] 
Maximum Boy [Maxima/Marvel Boy] 
Shadow [Obsidian/Silhouette] 

Justice X-Men [Justice League/X-Men] 
Batwing [Batman/Angel II] 
Predator [Hawkman II/Wolverine] 
Atomic [Captain Atom/Cyclops] 
Marvel Woman [Wonder Woman/Marvel Girl] 
Warbeast [Orion/Beast] 
Flashfreeze [Flash/Iceman] 
Psyhunter [Huntress/Psylocke] 
Rejoice [Dr. Light/Jubilee] 
Beacon [Green Lantern/Dazzler] 
Polaria [Maxima/Polaris] 
Sunfire [Fire/Sunfire] 
Nightwynd [Bloodwyld/Nightcrawler] 
Ice Storm [Ice/Storm] 
Booster-Forge [Booster-Gold/Forge] 
Guy Summers [Guy Gardner/Havok] 
Blue Banshee [Blue Beetle/Banshee] 
Paranaut [Parallax/Juggernaut] 
Black Bishop [Black Lightning/Bishop] 
Lady Deathstroke [Deathstroke/Lady Deathstrike] 
Omega Demon [NKVDemon/Omega Red] 
Sabretooth Lion [Lionmane/Sabretooth] 
Dr. Magneto [Dr. Polaris/Magneto] 
Sunwing [Nightwing/Sunspot] 
Thunder Bird [Robin II/Thunderbird] 
Shadowbat [Batgirl/Shadowcat] 
Gamble [Robin III/Gambit] 

Lawless Avengers [Lawless League/Avengers] 
Atom-Man-Ray Pym [Atom II/Ant-Man I] 
Dark Claw-Logan Wayne [Batman/Wolverine] 
Speedster-Wally Maximoff [Flash/Quicksilver] 
Iron Lantern-Hal Stark [Green Lantern/Iron Man] 
Manhunter-Vance Jones [Martian Manhunter/Justice] 

League of Avenger [League of Justice/Avengers] 
Gigantus [Longbow Greenarrow/Gigantus] 
Longbow [Longbow Greenarrow/Longbow] 
Gypsy Phae [Phaeton/Gypsy Davy] 
Antus the Palmer [Atomus the Palmer/Gigantus] 
Squire Martian [Martian/Squire Justice] 
Green Iron Knight [Green Knight/Iron Knight] 
Clawmancer [Batmancer/Wolverine] 
Angel Lord [Hawklord/Angel II] 
Bird Lady [Hawk Lady/Blackbird] 
Merlord [Altantean/Sealord] 
Thunder Princess [Amazon Princess/Donar the Mighty] 
Sovereign Amercia [Sovereign/Yeoman America] 

Legion of Galactic Guardians 
Cerebro [Computo/Cerebro] 
Dawnstar-Dancer [Dawnstar/Star-Dancer] 
Iceboy-Bobby Bannin [Polar Boy/Iceman] 
Iron Fist [Ferro Lad, Karate Kid/Iron Fist] 
Kid Quantum [Kid Quantum/Quantum] 
Gee Lass-Ayla Ranzz [Light Lass/Gee]-Living Lightning Lass after she lost her lightning powers 
Magnetic Boy-Pol Krinn [Magnetic Kid/Marvel Boy(Justice)]-Vance Cosmic's brother 
Queen Mirage [Queen Projectra/Mirage] 
Tellmus [Tellus/Primus] 

Legion of Galactic Guardians [Legion of Super-Heroes/Guardians of the Galaxy]-Premier heroes of 2099 
Block [Blok/Thing]-Orange stony power house, not the same as Brick Boy 
Ferro [Ferro Lad/Colossus] 
Siroc [Tyroc/Siryn] 
Ivory Curse [White Witch/Crimson Curse] 
Psyche Girl-Danielle Projectra [Sensor Girl/Psyche]-alias of Queen Mirage 

Legion of Galactic Guardians II [Legion of Super-Heroes/Guardians of the Galaxy]-Premier heroes of 2099 
Ferro [Ferro/Colossus] 
Ms. Andromeda [Andromeda/Ms. Marvel II] 
Wolfspaw [Catspaw/Wolfsbane] 
Doc Mage [Dragonmage/Doc Magnus(MC-2)] 

Legion of Galactic Subs [Legion of Subsitute Heroes/Guardians of the Galaxy] 
Plant Kid [Chlorophyll Kid/Plantman] 
Double-Header [Double-Header/Janus III] 
Volcano Lass [Fire Lad/Volcana] 
Plague Lass [Infectious Lass/Plague] 
Night Hawk [Night Girl/Nighthawk] 
Iceboy [Polar Boy/Iceman] 
Porcupine Pete [Porcupine Pete/Porcupine] 
Spectrum Kid [Color Kid/Dr. Spectrum] 
Stone Colossus [Stone Boy/Living Colossus] 
Bouncing Ball [Bouncing Boy/Speedball] 
Nova Queen [Comet Queen/Nova II] 
Vance Cosmic [Cosmic Boy/Vance Astro] 
Fung-Fu Kid II [Karate Kid II/Chang-Chi] 
Night Hawk [Night Girl/Nighthawk] 

Legion of Galactic Pets [Legion of Super-Pets/Heralds of Galactus] 
Air Krypto [Krypto/Air Walker] 
Silver Streak [Streaky/Silver Surfer] 
Fire Beppo [Beppo/Firelord] 
Nova Comet [Comet/Nova II] 
Droopy II [Proty II/Doopy] 

Legion of Substitute Heroes for Hire [Legion of Substitute Heroes/ Heroes for Hire] 
Chlorcules [Chlorophyll Kid/Hercules] 
Fire-Cage [Fire-Kid/Luke Cage] 
Knight Girl [Night Girl/Black Knight] 
Porcupine Hulk [Porcupine Pete/Hulk] 
Snow Tiger [Polar Boy/White Tiger] 
Stone Fist [Stoneboy/Iron Fist] 

Legion of Super-Heroes [Legion of Super-Heroes/Marvel Superheroes] 
Alchemist [Element Lad/Sprite I] 
Andromeda [Andromeda/She-Hulk] 
Apparition [Invisible Kid I&II/Shadowcat] 
Atlas [Leviathan/Goliath II] 
Bouncing Ball [Bouncing Boy/Hardball] 
Brainiac X [Brainiac 5/Weapon X] 
Cerebro [Computo/Cerebro] 
Chameleon Girl [Chameleon Boy/Lyja] 
Collective Girl [Duo Damsel, Triad/Collective Man] 
Darkfire I [Wildfire/Darkstar] 
Dawnstar-Dancer [Dawnstar/Star-Dancer] 
Dream Walker [Dream Girl/Sleepwalker] 
Giant Boy [Colossal Boy/Giant-Man (Bill Foster)] 
Iceboy [Polar Boy/Iceman] 
Iron Fist [Ferro Lad, Karate Kid/Iron Fist] 
Kid Quantum [Kid Quantum/Quantum] 
Light Lad [Light Lass/Gee] 
Lightning Bolt [Lightning Lad/Bolt] 
Magnetic Girl [Magnetic Kid/Polaris] 
Moon Girl [Sensor Girl/Mirage (as Moonstone)] 
Novaboy [Superboy I/Nova (Richard Rider)] 
Phantom Vision [Phantom Girl/Vision] 
Phoenix Girl [Saturn Girl/Phoenix II] 
Polaris Boy [Cosmic Boy/Polaris] 
Queen Mirage [Queen Projectra/Mirage] 
Quisbie [Quislet/Herbie] 
Rock [Blok/Rage] 
Scarletmage [Dragonmage/Scarlet Witch] 
Shadowstar [Shadow Lass/Darkstar] 
Shock [Spark/Jolt] 
Shrinking-Ant [Shrinking-Violet/Ant-Man II] 
Siryroc [Tyroc/Siryn] 
Star Fox [Star Boy/Starfox] 
Strong Boy [Ultra Boy/Strong Guy] 
Sunboy [Sun Boy/Sunspot] 
Tellmus [Tellus/Primus] 
Tigraspaw [Catspaw/Tigra] 
Timber Wolfsbane [Timber Wolf/Wolfsbane] 
Universegirl [Supergirl/Captain Universe] 
White Magik [White Witch/Magik] 
Won-El [Mon-El/Wonder Man] 

Legion of Super-Villains [Legion of Super-Villains/Marvel Villains] 
Electro Lord [Lightning Lord/Electro] 
Fire Emperor [Sun Emperor/Firelord] 
Kraven the Hunter [Hunter/Kraven] 
Lazzzax [Lazon/Zzzax] 
Magno [Magno Lad/Magneto] 
Micro Jacket [Micro Lad/Yellowjacket] 
Nemesis Lad [Nemesis Lad/Deathwatch] 
Neutax [Neut/Neutax] 
Nitrol-Vir [Ol-Vir/Nitro] 
Radiation Man [Radiation Roy/Radioactive Man] 
Super-Durullan [Chameleon Chief/Super-Skrull] 
Terror [Terrus/Scarecrow] 
Titania [Titania/Titania] 

Lethal Legion [Marvel] 
Black Laser [Black Hand/Living Laser] 
Grim Reaper [Reaper/Grim Reaper] 
Man-Ape [Grodd/Man-Ape] 
Power Man [Big Sur/Power Man] 
Sword [Crowbar/Swordsman] 

Liberty Fighters [Freedom Fighter/Liberty Legion] 
Blue Atom [Atom I/Blue Diamond] 
Super-Patriot [Super-Sam/Patriot] 
American Belle [Liberty Belle/Miss America] 
Johnny Frost [Johnny Thunder/Jack Frost] 
Red Hawk [Hawkman/Red Raven] 
Whiz [Flash I/Whizzer I]

Marauders [Marvel] 
Arrow [Merlyn/Harpoon] 
Bizarclight [Bizarro/Arclight] 
Blockbuster [Blockbuster/Blockbuster] 
Mantatooth [Manta/Sabretooth] 
Prysm [Prysm/Prism] 
Scalphunter [Scalphunter/Scalphunter] 
Vertigo [Vertigo/Vertigo] 

Masters of Disaster [DC] 
Wave Wizard [New Wave/Water Wizard] 
Heatbolt [Heatstroke/Firebolt] 
Quake [Shakedown/Avalanche] 
Coldfront [Coldsnap/Blizzard II] 
Whirlwind [Windfall/Cyclone] 

Masters of Evil [Marvel] 
Baron Viper [Count Viper/Baron Zemo I&II] 
Black Scorpion [Black Spider/Scorpion] 
Blackshade [Shade/Blackout] 
Elecutior [Bolt/Executior] 
Grey Ghost [Silver Ghost/Grey Gargoyle] 
Klawduit [Conduit/Klaw] 
Heater [Heatwave/Melter] 
Screaming Swan [Silver Swan/Screaming Mimi] 
Shellshocker [Shellshock/Shocker] 
Solomon Hyde [Solomon Grunde/Mr. Hyde] 
Techno [Gunshot/Fixer] 
Thunderbolt [Deathbolt/Thunderball] 
Tiger Shark [Shark/Tiger Shark] 
Ultroniac [Brainiac/Ultron] 

Metal Force [Metal Men/X-Force] 
Aluminum [Tin/Boom-Boom] 
Chromium [Platinum/Domino] 
Copper [Gold/Feral] 
Osmium [Lead/Warpath] 
Silver [Mercury/Cannonball] 
Titanium [Iron/Cable] 

Morlocks [Marvel] 
Beautiful Dreamer [Beautiful Dreamer/Beautiful Dreamer] 
Mimic [Byth/Ape] 
Pied Piper [Pied Piper/Piper] 
Plague Lass [Infectious Lass/Plague] 
Psycho-Pirate [Psycho-Pirate/Annalee] 
Tick [Parasite/Leech] 
Voltage [Bolt/Erg] 

Mutant Liberation Front [Marvel] 
Rip Roararm [Rip Roar/Forearm] 
Madame Locus [Madame Rouge/Locus] 
Moonstreak [Meanstreak/Moonstar] 
Reaper [Reaper/Reaper] 
Tempoburst [Cloudburst/Tempo] 
Zero [Xero/Zero] 
Dragon Queen [Dragon King/Dragoness] 
Feral [Cheetah III/Wildside] 
Big Slab [Big Sir/Slab] 
Rusty Fischer [Scott Fischer/Rusty] 
Dr. Strobe [Dr. Light/Strobe] 

Mutants of Apokilips [Gods of Apokilips/Brotherhood of Evil Mutants] 
Mantisnaut [Mantis/Juggernaut] 
Scarlet Assassin [Kanto/Scarlet Witch] 
Sabrelance [Devilance/Sabretooth] 
Magneseid [Darkseid/Magneto] 
Kaliblob [Kalibak/Blob] 
Mind Lash [Lashina/Mastermind] 

New Asgardians [New Olympians/Asgardians]
Surt [Vulcanus/Surtur] 
Heimdell [Argus/Heimdell] 
Hod [Nox/Hod] 
Tyrus [Anteus/Tyrus] 
Loki [Proteus/Loki] 
Maxie Thor [Maxie Zeus/Thor] 

New Asgods 
Seagir [Seagrin/Aegir]-New Asgod of the Sea 
Avigga [Avia/Frigga]-All-Highfather Odin's Wife 
Destruction [Turmoil/Destroyer]-Giant robot on Apokalypse 
Tyrus [Tyrus the Tracker/Tyr]-New Asgod of War 
D'Volstagg [D'vo/Volstagg]-Apokalyptian rabble-rouser 
Father Nature [Mother Nature/Frey]-New Asgod of the Harvest 
Sigyla [Vayla/Sigyn]-New Asgoddess of Fidelity 
Antidunn [Antinoos/Idunn]-New Asgoddess of Immortality 
Fifnkar [Enkar/Fifnir]-Giant dragon 
Daden [Aaden/Dagda]-Celtive of the Druids 
Caberpa [Sserpa/Caber]-Celtive of Speed 
Father Leirrae [Mother Herrae/Leir]-Leader of the Celtive 
Celtive [Primitive/Celtic Gods]-Allies of the New Asgods 
Jezerda [Jezebelle/Erda]-Warrior of New Asgard 
Jovider [Jovita/Vider]-Rabble-rouser of Armagetto 
Surt [Brimstone/Surtur]-Fire demon 
Justekith [Justeen/Malekith]-Ambitious lieutenant of L'ok D'Saad 
Joatri [Joatt/Eitri]-builder of Thorion's hammer 
Sarok [Saraday/Brok]-builder of Thorion's hammer 
Bloody Selene [Bloody Mary/Selene]-Grappling Fury in training 
Magna [Magnar/Magma II]-Warrior of New Asgard 
Queen Racer [Speed Queen/Blackracer]-Grappling Fury in training 
Mokkari the Cruel [Mokkari/Kiber the Cruel]-Genetic Scientist 
Simyanius [Simyan/Dr. Demonius]-Genetic Scientist 
Foton [Takion/Balder]-New All-Highfather 
Valkyria [Valkyra/Valkyrie]-Thorion girlfriend during Blood and Thunder 
Vollka [Volka/Volla]-New Asgoddess of Prophesy 
Agogg [Agogg/Gog]-minion of Thanoseid 
Meteorrite [Meteorra/Meteorite]-Young Asgod of New Asgard 
Fyrelord [Fyre/Firelord]-Controler of the Dark 
Nyt [Myt/Nyx]-Minion of Thanoseid 
Bugs [Bugs/Deviants]-Aliens 
Prime Overone [Prime One/Prime Overtrot]-Wisest Bug 
Stellestia [Celestia/Stellaris]-Resident of Supertown 
Toothsturmer [Sturmer/Toothgnasher, Toothgrinder]-Thorion's dog 
Lupus Major [Canis Major/Fernis Wolf]-Loyal warrior of Thanoseid's army 
Lupus Minor [Canis Minor/Fernis Wolf]-Young warrior of Thanoseid's army 
Mortallaxia [Mortalla/Terraxia]-Thanoseid's concubine 
Queen-Widow [Queen-Widow/Vira]-Queen of the Bugs 
Betorr [Astorr/Beta Ray Bill]-Infinity, The Beta Ray Man 
Necrohela [Necromina/Hela]-New Asgoddess of Death 
Kurius [Sirius/Kurse]-beast 
Lucifar [Lucifar/Lucifer]-minion of Thanoseid 
Temptress [Amazing Grace/Lorelei]-member of Thanoseid's Elite 
Venom [Bane/Toxin]-Minion of Thanoseid 
Gilotrix [Gilotina/Gladiatrix]-Grappling Fury in training 
Huntress [Artemis/Cowgirl]-Grappling Fury 
Geirrzoof [Pharzoof/Geirroder]-Rogue paratroll 
Hydrius [Hydrik/Timberius]-agent of Virmin Maxibar 
Falepp [Klepp/Falcona]-agent of Virmin Maxibar

New Eternals [New Gods/Eternals] 
Ajak Lightray [Lightray/Ajak] 
Bersi [Bekka/Sersi] 
Big Thena [Big Barda/Thena] 
Black Vampiro [Black Racer/Vampiro] 
Fast Makkari [Fastbak/Makkari] 
Highfather Zuras [Highfather/Zuras] 
Ikarion [Orion/Ikaris] 
Lonar The Forgotten [Lonar/Forgotten One] 
Mentron [Metron/Mentor] 
Mr. Sunen [Mr.Miracle/Kingo Sunen] 
Spesak [Esak/Sprite] 
Sui-Avia [Avia/Sui-San] 
Uranons [Himon/Uranos] 

New Teen Warrior [Teen Titans/New Warriors] 
Flamestar [Flamebird/Firestar] 
Aquagirl [Aquagirl/Namorita] 
Night Herald [Herald/Night Thrasher] 
Golden Hawk [Golden Eagle/Darkhawk] 
Cyrage [Cyborg/Rage] 
Wonder Nova [Wonder Girl/Nova] 

Olympian Force [New Olympians/Mutant Force] 
Vulcan [Vulcanus/Burner] 
Seer [Argus/Peeper] 
Nightshock [Nox/Shocker] 
Lifteus [Anteus/Lifter] 
Sliteus [Proteus/Slither] 

Omegajammers [Omega Men/Starjammers] 
Artikorsky [Artin/Sikorsky] 
Ch'oot [Broot/Ch'od] 
Cosimus [Primus/Corsair] 
Hepzicity [Felicity/Hephzibah] 
Ryaza [Ryand'r/Raza] 

Cosmic Force [Astro Force/Powers Cosmic] 
Earth’s Greatest Super-Heroes [World’s Greatest Super-Heroes/Earth’s Mightiest Heroes] 
Mutagene [Metagene/Mutant Gene] 
Mutahumans [Metahumans/Mutants] 
Powers Astro [Astro Force/Powers Cosmic] 

Pantheon-Billy Blake [Captain Marvel/Thor]
Godling-Eric Freeman [Captain Marvel Jr./Thunderstrike]
Thunder-Kevin Freeman [Whiz/Thunderstrike II]
Lady Pantheon [Mary Marvel/Sif] 
Wizard [Shazam/Odin] 
Pantheon 2099 [Thunder/Thor 2099] 
Loggar [Oggar/Loki] 
Black Axe [Black Adam/Bloodaxe] 
Atomic Destroyer [Mr. Atom/Destroyer] 

Anthro the Moonboy [Anthro/Moonboy]-Stone Age 
Arion Gath [Arion/Kullan Gath]-Bronze Age 
Balloon Phantom [Balloon Buster/Phantom Eagle]-WWI 
Bat Colt [Bat Lash/Kid Colt]-Old West 
Chief-Eagle [Super-Chief/American Eagle]-Old West 
El Diablo [El Diablo/Diablo]-Old West 
Hex, Jonah “Ringo Kid” [Jonah Hex/Ringo Kid]-Old West 
Silent Black Knight [Silent Knight/Black Knight I]-Middle Ages 
Sun Raven [Walking Sun/Raven]-Old West 
Thunder Storm [Thunder-Man/Hurricane (Old West)]-Old West 
Twin Triggers [Twin Triggers/Raw-Hide Kid, Two-Gun Kid] 

Daily Planet-Bugle [Daily Planet/Daily Bugle] 
Institute for Gifted Youngsters [Institute for Metahuman Studies/Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters]
Mansion of Justice [Hall of Justice/X-Mansion] 
New Metro City [Metropolis/New York City] 
New Olympia [New Genesis/Olympia] 
Oala [Oa/Hala] 
Project: S.T.A.R. Pegasus [S.T.A.R. Labs/Project: Pegasus] 
Suicide Street [Suicide Slum/Yancy Street] 

Rangers [DC cowboys/Rangers] 
Night Wolf [Nighthawk/Red Wolf] 
Pow Wow Star [Pow Wow Smith/Shooting Star] 
Night Ranger [Roving Ranger/Nightrider] 
Fire Bow [Strong Bow/Firebird] 
Wyoming Twister [Wyoming Kid/Texas Twister] 

Rubber Hazards [Plastic Perils/X-Men] 
Acrylonitrile [Ethylene/Angel II] 
Chloroprene [Polyethylene/Marvel Girl] 
Butadiene [Methaerylate/Beast] 
Styrene [Styrene/Cyclops] 
Isobutylene [Silicone/Iceman] 

Scourge’s Victims 
Fly-Eyed Bandit [Bug-Eyed Bandit/Fly] 
Captain Kraken [Captain Stingeress/Commander Kraken] 
Cheetah [Cheetah/Cheetah] 
Death Kobra [Kobra/Death Adder] 
Heater [Heatwave/Melter] 
Hijacker [Hijack/Hijacker] 
Lynx [Lionmane/Jaguar] 
Mental-Wave [Mento/Mind-Wave] 
Mirage [Mirage/Mirage] 
Mr. Miracle Man [Mr. Miracle/Miracle Man] 
Turner D. Marrow [T.O.Marrow/Turner D. Century] 
Wraith [Wrath/Wraith] 

Sea Devils [Sea Devils/Marvel aqua heroes] 
Marrina [Judy Walton/Marrina] 
Stingray [Nicky Walton/Stingray] 
Sub-Mariner [Biff Bailey/Sub-Mariner] 
Triton [Dane Dorrance/Triton] 

Secret Society of Super-Villains [DC] 
Blockbuster [Blockbuster/Blockbuster] 
Brain Wave [Brain Wave/Egghead] 
Captain Blizzard [Captain Cold/Blizzard] 
Captain Boomerang [Captain Boomarang/Boomarang] 
Captain Kraken [Captain Stingeress/Commander Kraken] 
Grey Ghost [Silver Ghost/Grey Gargoyle] 
Killer Gypsy Moth [Killer Moth/Gypsy Moth] 
Lex Gideon [Lex Luthor/Gideon] 
Madcap [Trickster/Madcap] 
Man-Ape [Grodd/Man-Ape] 
Mr. Sinestro [Sinestro/Mr. Sinister] 
Psycho-Pirate Man [Psycho-Pirate/Psycho Man] 
Scarlet Ghost [Silver Ghost/Red Ghost] 
Snake [Copper Head/Cobra] 
Typhoid Ivy [Poison Ivy/Typhoid Mary] 
Wizard [Wizard/Wizard] 

Sgt.Fury and His Creature Commandos [Creature Commandos/Nick Fury] 
Golem,"Lucky" ["Lucky" Taylor/Golem] 
Morbius [Velcro/Morbius] 
Werewolf [Warren Griffith/Werewolf] 

Shogun Defenders [Robotech Defenders/Shogun] 
Dangard Ace [Eedon/Dangard Ace] 
Raydeen [Scal/Raydeen] 
Combatra [Dex/Combatra] 

Sinister Six [Batman Rogue Gallery/Sinister Six] 
Albatross [Penguin/Vulture] 
Clayman [Clayface/Sandman] 
Dr. Freeze [Mr.Freeze/Dr.Octopus] 
Kraven the Headhunter [Headhunter/Kraven] 
Mysterio [Mad Hatter/Mysterio] 
Ra's Al Goblin [Ra's Al Ghul/Hobgoblin] 

Skartaris Races 
Marsh Men [Bog Men/Swamp Men] 
Tree Dwarfs [Tree Dwelling Dwarfs/Tree People] 
Man-Apes Savages [Subhuman Savages/Man-Apes] 
Pteron-Men [Mutanted Lizard-Man/Pteron] 
Bird-People [Bat-People/Aerians] 

Society of Evil [Secret Society of Super-Villains/Masters of Evil] 
Grey Ghost [Silver Ghost/Grey Gargoyle] 
Moon Sapphire [Star Sapphire/Moonstone] 
Shockwave [Quakemaster/Shocker] 
Screaming Ivy [Poison Ivy/Screaming Mimi] 
Tornado [Reverse-Flash/Whirlwind] 
Tiger [Cheetah/Tiger Shark] 
Enchanter [Wizard/Enchantress] 
Crimson Cowl [Lex Luthor/Crimson Cowl] 
Black Boomerang [Captain Boomerang/Black Knight II] 
Ultra-Executioner [Ultra-Humanite/Executioner] 
Felix Fixer [Felix Faust/Fixer] 
Psycho-Driver [Psycho-Pirate/Piledriver] 
Snake [Copper Head/Scorpion] 
Trickdozer [Trickster/Bulldozer] 
Radioactive Doll [Rag Doll/Radioactive Man] 
Absorbing Manhunter [Manhunter/Absorbing Man] 
Matter Melter [Matter Master/Melter] 
Sinestra [Sinestro/Titania] 
Baron Cold [Captain Cold/Baron Zemo I] 
Baron Frost [Killer Frost/Baron Zemo II] 
Kong [Grodd/Goliath] 
Time Wrecker [Chronos/Wrecker] 
Thunder-Jack [Hi-Jack/Thunderball] 
Buster [Blockbuster/Mr. Hyde] 
Shadow Thief [Shadow Thief/Blackout] 
Head Wave [Brainwave/Egghead] 
Killer Beetle [Killer Moth/Beetle] 

Space Knight Corp. [Green Lantern Corp./Space Knights] 
Arkkis Chummunann [Arkkis Chummuck/Unseen] 
Hollika Raak [Hollika Rahn/Breaker] 
Karas Chota [Khar Chota/Fireball] 
Larvola [Larvox/Trapper] 
Ploraasha [Shaasha/Pulsar] 
Skera Rendle [Senn Rendle/Scanner] 
Tarm-Bor [Tomar-Bor/Seeker] 
Tomar-Rom [Tomar-Re/Rom] 

S.Q.U.A.D.R.O.N. [H.U.R.R.I.C.A.N.E./Squadron Sinister]-Great League of Inferiors villains 
Dr. Mental [Mr. Mental/Dr. Spectrum] 
Hyper [Powerhouse/Hyperion] 
Nightbird [Blackbird/Nighthawk] 
Yellow Whiz [Yellow Streak/Whizzer] 

Suicide Squad [DC] 
Blockbuster [Blockbuster/Blockbuster] 
Captain Boomerang [Captain Boomarang/Boomarang] 
Enchantress [Enchantress/Enchantress] 
Nemesis [Nemesis/Saracen] 
Night Tiger [Bronze Tiger/Night Thrasher] 
Random Shot [Deadshot/Random] 

Super Soviets [Soyuz/Soviet Super Soldiers] 
Crimson Rocket [Red Rocket/Crimson Dynamo] 
Darkfire II [Firebird/Darkstar] 
Perunguard [Perun/Vanguard] 
Polar Bear [Morozko/Ursa Major] 

Syndicate Sinister [Crime Syndicate of Qward/Squadron Sinister] 
Dr. Power Ring [Power Ring/Dr. Spectrum] 
Johnny Whizz II [Johnny Quick II/Whizzer II] 
Nightowl [Owlman/Nighthawk] 
Ultraion [Ultraman/Hyperion] 

Avengers League West [Justice League/Avengers West] 
Brotherhood of the Hand [Brotherhood of the Fist/Hand] 
Cadre of Evil [Cadre/Emissaries of Evil] 
Falcon & Dove [Hawk & Dove/Falcon] 
Golden Society [Justice Society of America/Golden Agency] 
Green Marvel Corp. [Green Lantern Corp./Captain Marvel element] 
Justice Factor [Justice League/X-Factor] 
Justice League of Excalibur [Justice League of Europe/Excalibur] 
New Fantastic Patrol [New Doom Patrol/New Fantastic Four] 
Task Force Works [Task Force/Force Works] 
Wild Squad [Suicide Squad/Wild Pack] 

Teen Avengers [Teen Titans/Avengers] 
Bee [Bumble Bee/Wasp] 
Mariner Lad [Aqua Lad/Namor] 
Kid Quick [Kid Flash/Quicksilver] 
War Guardian [Guardian(Mal)/War Machine] 
Golden Falcon [Golden Eagle/Falcon] 
Firestarfire [Starfire/Firestar] 
Blackwing [Nightwing/Black Knight] 
Justice Omen [Omen/Justice] 
Lightning [Kilowat/Living Lightning] 
Arrow [Speedy II/Hawkeye] 
Ms. Wonder [Wonder Woman/Ms. Marvel] 
Feline [Pantha/Tigra] 
Beastling [Changeling/Beast] 
Cyborg Man [Cyborg I/Machine Man] 
Atom Ant [Atom II/Ant-Man] 
Risk [Risk/Triathlon] 

Teen Slingers [Teen Titans/Slingers] 
Shrapnel [Arsenal/Ricochet] 
Thunderbolt [Captain Marvel, Jr./Prodigy] 
Twilight [Raven/Dusk] 
Yellowjacket [Bumble Bee/Hornet] 

T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Crusader [Mighty Crusaders/T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents]-Team of Heroes from Radio Tower Comics 
Dynashield-Leonard Higgins [Shield/Dynamo] 
NoFly-Tony Troy [Fly/NoMan] 
Lightning Comet-John Gilbert [Comet/Lightning] 
Dark Menthor [Darkling/Menthor] 
Black Raven-Craig Burland [Black Hood/Raven] 
Vulcan Girl-Kim Riley [Fly Girl/Vulcan] 
Wonder Web-William Raymond [Web/Wonder Weed]

Titanic Trio [Terrible Trio/Titanic Three]-Iron Lantern villains 
Crimson Rocket [Rocket Red/Crimson Dynamo] 
Reactor [Reactron/Radioactive Man] 
Titanestro [Sinestro/Titanium Man] 

All-American Man of War Action [All-American Man of War/War Action] 
All-Star Western Winners [All-Star Westerns/Western Winners] 
Amalgam Comics Present [DC Comics Present/Marvel Comics Present] 
Amalgam Graphic Novel [DC Graphic Novel/Marvel Graphic Noval] 
Amalgam Spotlight [DC Spotlight/Marvel Spotlight] 
Amalgam Super Special [DC Special/Marvel Super Special] 
Amazing Adventure Comics [Adventure Comics/Amazing Adventures] 
Best All-American Westerns [All-Amercian Western/Best Western] 
From Beyond the Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction [From Beyond the Unknown/Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction] 
G.I. Combat [G.I. Combat/Combat] 
Our Army at War Adventure [Our Army at War/War Adventure] 
Strange Adventures into Fear [Strange Adventures/Adventures in to Fear] 
Strange Sports Action [Strange Sports Stories/Sports Action] 
Unexpected Tales [Unexpected/Uncanny Tales] 
Wierd War Comics [Weird War Tales/War Comics] 
Weird Western Winners [Weird Western Tales/Western Winners] 
Weird World Tales [Weird Worlds/Weird Wondertales] 

Turnabout Trap 
Dark Claw (Female) [Batwoman(Batman)/Wolverine] 
Condor (Canary) [Black Condor (Black Canary)/Mockingbird] 
Speedster (Female) [Flash (Female)/Quicksilver] 
American Boy (American Girl)[Superboy (Supergirl)/Bucky] 
Super-Soldier (Female) [Superwoman (Superman)/Captain America] 
Thunder Warrior (Thunder Woman) [Wonder Warrior (Wonder Woman)/Thor] 

Vengeance [Vendetta/Avengers]-Great League of Inferiors villains 
Captain Swastika [Masked Swastika/Captain America] 
Hawk [Sparrow/Hawkeye] 
Man-Hulk [Man-Mountain/Hulk] 
Quick Demon [Speed Demon/Quicksilver] 
Silver Witch [Silver Sorceress/Scarlet Witch] 

X-Heroes [Young Heroes/X-Men] 
Prodigy [Wonder Girl/Marvel Girl] 
Cardinal [Robin III/Cyclops] 
Super Freeze [Superboy II/Iceman] 
Speed Beast [Impulse/Beast] 
Captain Angel [Captain Marvel, Jr./Angel II] 

X-Heroes [Young Heroes/X-Men] 
Superbeast [Superboy II/Beast] 
Wonder Visor [Wonder Girl II/Cyclops] 
Ice Marvel, Jr. [Captain Marvel, Jr./Iceman] 
Finch [Robin III/Marvel Girl] 
Angelpulse [Impulse/Angel II] 

X-league [Justice League/X-teams] 
Black Banshee [Black Canary/Banshee] 
Blue Angel [Blue Beetle/Angel II] 
Elongated Skin [Elongated Man/Skin] 
Havokstorm [Firestorm/Havok] 
Ice Marvel [Ice/Marvel Girl] 
Maximastar [Maxima/Shatterstar] 
Mutant Manhunter [Martian Manhunter/X-Man] 
Power Surge [Captain Atom/Bishop] 
Quake [Vibe/Rictor] 
Seawolf [Aquaman/Wolverine] 
Silver Flash [Flash III/Quicksilver] 
Sunray [Ray II/Sunfire] 
Super-X [Superman/Professor X] 
Tasmanian Beast [Tasmanian Devil/Beast] 
Visor [Guy Gardner/Cyclops] 

X-League People [Justice League/X-People] 
Angry Hawk [Hawkman II/Angry Eagle] 
Aqualee [Aquaman/Jubilee] 
Elongated Span [Elongated Man/Spanner] 
Gorilla [Tasmanian Devil/Simian] 
Impulse [Flash III/Torque] 

X-League 2099 [Justice League/X-Men 2099] 
Bloodhawkman [Hawkman/Bloodhawk] 
Cerebra [Martian Manhunter/Cerebra] 
Meanspeed [Flash/Meanstreak] 
Metal [Steel/Metalhead] 
Plastic Snake [Plastic Man/Serpentina] 
Prism [Dr. Light II/Krystalin] 
Skullfirestorm [Firestorm/Skullfire] 
Super-X [Superman/Xi'an] 

X-Siders [Outsiders/X-Force] 
Domina [Katana/Domino] 
Bat-X [Batman/Cable] 
Ball Lightning [Black Lightning/Cannonball] 
War-Force -[Geo-Force/Warpath] 
Lynx [Looker/Feral] 
Boom-Halo [Halo/Boom-Boom] 

X-Titans [Teen Titans/X-Men] 
Aqualee [Aqua Lad/Jubilee] 
Azreal The Archangel [Azreal I/Archangel] 
Blast [Damage/Bishop] 
Changeling [Changeling/Changeling] 
Forge [Cyborg I/Forge] 
Jericho [Jericho/Gambit] 
Raven [Raven/Dark Phoenix, Phoenix I] 
Rogue [Wonder Girl/Rogue] 
Stormfire [Starfire II/Storm]

Dial “H” for Hero 
Crimson Stardust [Crimson Star/Stardust] 
Dr. Squid [Squid/Dr. Octopus] 
Dr. Thinker [Dr. Rigoro Martis/Mad Thinker] 

Evil Six [Evil Eight/Sinister Six element] 
Mandak [Chondak/Man-Ape] 
Blizzard King [Ice King/Blizzard] 
Mad Dog [K-9/Mad Dog] 
Phantasm Master [Phantasm/Mastermind] 
Piledriver [Piledriver/Piledriver] 
Soniklaw [Sonik/Klaw] 

Chris Jones 
Blitzster [Doomster/Blitzkrieg] 
Captain Quasar [Captain Electron/Quasar] 
Copy-Cat [Any-Body/Morph] 
Dr. Mystical [Mr. Mystical/Dr. Strange] 
Energize [Prism/Energizer] 
Goldensprite [Goldenman/Sprite] 
Graviton Boy [Gravity Boy/Graviton] 
Hornetman [Waspman/Yellowjacket] 
Ice Wave [Cold Wave/Iceman] 
Psi-Vision [Psi-Fire/Vision] 
Rictor, The Quake Master [Vibro, The Quake Master/Rictor] 
Shadow Cloak [Shadow Master/Cloak] 
Speed Fuzz [Fuzz Ball/Speedball] 
Star Nova [Star Flare/Nova I] 

Robby Richards 
Cometeer [Cometeer/Comet] 
Gee Boy [Balloon Boy/Gee] 
Magneto [Magneto/Magneto] 
Ringster [Hoopster/Ringer] 
Rip Tide [Zip Tide/Hydro Man] 
Shadow Shroud [Shadow Man/Shroud] 
Wasp Man [Hornet Man/Yellowjacket] 

Vicki Masters 
Alchemistal [Alchemiss/Crystal] 
Captain Ariel [Ariel/Captain Marvel II] 
Dusk [Twilight/Darkstar] 
Firestarburst [Starburst/Firestar] 
Goldensersi [Goldengirl/Sersi] 
Karma-Girl [Hypno-Girl/Karma] 
Molecular Maiden [Molecular Maiden/Sersi] 
Ms. Hulk [Ms. Muscles/She-Hulk] 
Ms. Ultra [Ultra Girl/Ms. Marvel] 
Oracle [Kismet/Destiny II] 
Puma, The Hell-Cat [Puma, The She-Cat/Hellcat] 
Sandstorm [Sirocco, The Desert Wind/Quicksand] 
Storm Witch [Weather Witch/Storm]

Dark Valiant [Dark Horse/Valiant] 
Eclipse X [X/Dr. Eclipse] 

H.A.R.D. Legion [Pit Bulls/H.A.R.D. Corp.] 
Perp [Spike/Perp] 
Gunslinger [Butch/Gunslinger] 
Flatline [Duke/Flatline] 
Hotshot [Queenie/Hotshot] 

Heralds [Catalyst/Harbingers] 
Grace Harada [Grace/Harada] 
Mecha Boy [Mecha/Big Boy] 
Strobe [Rebel/Flashbulb] 
Rhapstatic [Rhapsody/Static] 
Stitan [Titan/Sting] 

Malimage [Image/Malibu] 
Atalspont [Helspont/Atalton] 
Blackjack [Darkness/Solitaire] 
Deathstrike [Deathblow/Warstrike] 
Muck [Maxx/Sludge] 
Night Spawn [Spawn/Night Man] 
Shadow Wraith [ShadowHawk/Wraith] 
Virtue [Infiniti/Choice] 
Witch Blade [Witchblade/Mantra] 

Cyber Exiles [CyberForce/Exiles] 
Charge [Velocity/Mustang 
Cyberdata [Cyberdata/Catapult] 
Cytrax [Cyblade/Trax] 
Dr. Deming [Stryker/Dr. Deming] 
Gunfire [Ballistic/Deadeye] 
Inferno [Heatwave/Amber] 
Ripclaw [Ripclaw/Tinsel] 
Timmy [Timmie, Impact/Timmy] 

Freaks [Freak Force/Freex] 
Anything [Ricochet/Anything] 
Barbaric Boy [Barbaric/Boom Boy] 
Bliss [Rapture/Pressure] 
Dart [Dart/Plug] 
Horridusface [Horridus/Sweetface] 

Gen13 [Gen13/Solution] 
Dropout [Burnout/Dropkick] 
Outrage [Grunge/Outrage] 
Shadowfall [Freefall/Shadowmage] 
Techchild [Fairchild/Tech] 
Outlaws [Merc/Quattro] 
Brute Hook [Brutus/Meat Hook] 
Death Razor [Razor/Death Dance] 
Gun-Trap [Deathtrap/Gun-Nut] 
Kilgate [Kilgore/Gate] 
Slayer [Slayer/Book] 

Protectors [Youngblood/Protectors] 
Arc [Vogue/Arc] 
Crypt [Chapel/Gravestone] 
Die Hard, Man of War [Die Hard/Man of War] 
Eagle [Cougar/Air Man] 
Granite [Bedrock/Mighty Man] 
Night Shaft [Shaft/Night Mask] 
Photon [Photon/Aura] 
Otter [Riptide/Ferret] 
Sentinel Man [Sentinel/Eternal Man] 
Warfare [Combat/Amazing Man] 
Witch [Link/Witch] 

Squadron [Brigade/Strangers] 
Battle Atom [Battlestone/Atom Bob] 
Big Bomb [Atlas/Grenade] 
Coldzap [Coldsnap/Zip-Zap] 
Hotwire [Thermal/Electrocute] 
Lady Killer [Kayo/Lady Killer] 
Seahawk [Seahawk/Spectral] 
Stasial [Stasis/Yrial] 

UltraC.A.T.s. [WildC.A.T.s./Ultra Force] 
Hardblade [Warblade/Hardcase] 
Hostile [Grifter/Contary] 
Primaul [Maul/Prime] 
Spartan [Spartan/Prototype] 
Topazealot [Zealot/Topaz] 
Voixx [Void/Pixx] 
Witchcraft [Voodoo/Ghoul] 

Abbot, Oliver [Bud Abbott/Oliver Hardy] 
Action Max [Action Man/Max Steel] 
Advance Dungeons & Magic: The Gathering [Advance Dungeons & Dragons/Magic: The Gathering] 
Aerostone [Aerosmith/Rolling Stones] 
Agumander [Agumon/Charmander] 
Amalgam Super-Heroes [DC elements/Marvel Super-Heroes] 
Amalgam vs. Rarecom [DC elements, Rareware elements/Marvel Vs. Capcom] 
Angel-Team [A-Team/Charlie’s Angels] 
Ant’s Life [Antz/A Bug’s Life] 
Armor of Jupiter Power [Armor of Hard Rock/Jupiter Power] 
Armor of Mars Power [Armor of Strata/Mars Power] 
Armor of Mercury Power [Armor of Turret/Mercury Power] 
Armor of Moon Power [Armor of Wildfire/Moon Prism Power] 
Armor of Venus Power [Armor of Halo/Venus Power] 
Beesting [Beedrill/Stingmon] 
Blankmeteor [Blankman/Meteorman] 
Bucky O’Hare and His Space Rabbits [Bucky O’Hare/Captain Simian and His Space Monkeys] 
Clarke, Isaac [Arthur C. Clarke/Isaac Asimov] 
Clay Kombat [Clay Fighter/Mortal Kombat] 
Conan the Beastmaster [Beastmaster/Conan] 
Costello, Stan [Lou Costello/Stan Laurel] 
Cro, The Time Detective [Cro/Flint, The Time Detective] 
CyberCop [Robocop/Terminator] 
DigiPokémon [Digimon/Pokémon] 
Donald the Daffy Duck [Donald Duck/Daffy Duck] 
Doomsday [Armageddon/Deep Impact] 
Dragon Rancher [Dragon Seed/Monster Rancher] 
Duckman the Critic [Duckman/The Critic] 
Eeveemon [Veemon/Eevee] 
Flaredramon [Flamedramon/Flareon] 
Flying Dutchman Mine [Flying Dutchman/Lost Dutchman Mine] 
Folgers House [Folgers/Maxwell House] 
G-Hawks [G-Force/Silver Hawks] 
Game Station [Game Cube/Playstation II] 
Gamzilla [Gamera/Godzilla] 
Goldrock [Goldberg/Rock] 
Golemon [Golemon/Golem] 
Greymeleon [Greymon/Charmeleon] 
Harris! Comics [Chaos! Comics/Harris] 
Hawaii, P.I. [Hawaii Five-O/Magnum, P.I.] 
Herstle Chocolate [Hershey Chocolate/Nestle Chocolate] 
James Powers [Austin Powers/James Bond] 
Jason Krueger [Freddy Krueger/Jason] 
Jersey Mothman [Jersey Devil/Mothman] 
Jetstones [Flintstones/Jetsons] 
Joltdramon [Raidramon/Jolteon] 
Kevin “Undertaker” Nash [Kevin Nash/Undertaker] 
Killer Fighters [Killer Instinct/Street Fighters] 
Lady Vampi [Lady Death/Vamperilla] 
L.A. Law & Order [L.A. Law/Law & Order] 
Leno, David [David Letterman/Jay Leno] 
Lifetime [Life/Time] 
Lilyplume [Lilymon/Vileplume] 
Lora Croft: Relic Hunter [Relic Hunter/Tomb Raider] 
Lunatic Cop [Maniac Cop/Psycho Cop] 
Man from C.O.N.T.R.O.L. [Get Smart/Man from U.N.C.L.E.] 
McHale’s Heroes [Hogan’s Heroes/McHale’s Navy] 
Metal Greyizard [Metal Greymon/Charizard] 
Mic Taylor [Mic Jagger/Steven Taylor] 
Mission to the Red Planet [Mission to Mars/Red Planet] 
Munster Family [Addams Family/Munsters] 
Nigel O’Shea: The Crocodile Hunter [Crocodile Hunter/Nigel/O’Shea] 
Nightmare on Friday the 13th [Friday the 13th/Nightmare on Elm Street] 
Outlaw Bebop [Cowboy Bebop/Outlaw Star] 
Palish [Palmon/Oddish] 
Parasite Evil [Parasite Eve/Resident Evil] 
Paraversal Pictures [Paramount Pictures/Universal Studios] 
Play 64 [N 64/Playstation] 
Predator Alien [Alien/Predator] 
Psi Files [Psi Factor/X-Files] 
Rarecom [Rareware/Capcom] 
Rayocell [Duracell/Rayovac] 
Robin Hood: Thieves in Tights [Robin Hood: Men in Tights/Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves] 
Sailor Halo [Halo/Sailor Venus] 
Sailor Hard Rock [Hard Rock/Sailor Jupiter] 
Sailor Strata [Strata/Sailor Mars] 
Sailor Warriors [Ronin Warriors/Sailor Moon & The Sailor Scouts] 
Sailor Wildfire [Wildfire/Sailor Moon] 
Scooby, The Cowardly Dog [Courage, The Cowardly Dog/Scooby Doo] 
Showmax [Cinamax/Showtime] 
Sid Kane [Sid Vicious/Kane] 
Snither [Snimon/Scyther] 
Snurks [Smurfs/Snorks] 
Soul Blade Edge [Soul Blade/Soul Edge] 
Space Quest [Galaxy Quest/Space Balls] 
Spearowhawk [Hawkmon/Spearow] 
Spider-Bat: The Animated Series [Batman: The Animated Series/Spider-Man] 
Spider-Bat Beyond Limits [Batman Beyond/Spider-Man Unlimited] 
Starship Commanders [Starship Troopers/Wing Commander] 
Street Rovers [Road Rovers/Street Sharks] 
Tarzan of the Jungle [George of the Jungle/Tarzan] 
Tekken Fighters [Tekken/Virtua Fighters] 
Teenage Mutant Samurai Pizza Cats [Samurai Pizza Cats/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] 
The Mickey & Donald Show [Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck/The Bugs & Daffy Show] 
The Shape of Things to the Moon [The Shape of Things to Come/From the Earth to the Moon] 
The Time Journey [The Journey to the Center of the Earth/The Time Machine] 
The War of the Worlds in Eighty Days [The War of Worlds/Around the World in Eighty Days] 
Togloom [Togemon/Gloom] 
Transbots [Go-Bots/Transformers] 
Verne, H.G. [H.G. Wells/Jules Verne] 
War Freaks [Bio Freaks/War Gods] 
Wormdle [Wormon/Weedle] 
Weird Files [So Weird/Zack Files] 
X-Man Show [Man Show/X Show] 

Grecoman [Greek Gods/Roman Gods] 
Zeupiter [Zeus/Jupiter] 
Hercury [Hermes/Mercury] 
Mares [Ares/Mars] 
Cupros [Eros/Cupid] 
Pludes [Hades/Pluto] 
Heracules [Heracles/Hercules] 
Poseitune [Poseidon/Neptune] 
Jura [Hera/Juno] 
Aphroiditenus [Aphrodite/Venus] 
Vulcaestus [Hephaestus/Vulcan] 
Atherva [Athena/Minerva] 
Apollo [Apollo/Apollo] 
Eoras [Eos/Aurora] 
Diartemis [Artemis/Diana] 

Noreek [Greek Gods/Norse Gods] 
Zedin [Zeus/Odin] 
Thorcules [Hercules/Thor] 
Tyres [Ares/Tyr] 
Aegidon [Poseidon/Aegir] 
Herigg [Hera/Frigg] 
Hermed [Hermes/Hermod] 
Hadel [Hades/Hel] 
Apollder [Apollo/Balder] 
Ultemis [Artemis/Ull] 
Aphreyia [Aphrodite/Freyia] 
Farnes [Fates/Norns] 

Ace Publishing Co. [Ace Periodical/Holyoke Publishing] 
Alias Unknown [Unknown Soldier/Alias X] 
Black Raven [Raven/Blackout] 
Captain Courage [Captain Courageous/Captain Fearless] 
Flag Man [Flag/Flag Man] 
Golden Sword [Sword/Golden Archer] 
Lightning Volt [Lightning/Volton] 
MagnoHood [Magno/Hood] 
Miss Victory [Captain Victory/Miss Victory] 
Mr. Nemesis [Dr. Nemesis/Mr. Miracle] 
Phantom Spider [Black Spider/Phantom Eagle] 
Vulcan Mask [Vulcan/Grey Mask] 

AmeriAtlas Comics [Americomics/Atlas Comics] 
Black Tarantula [Black Diamond/Tarantula] 
Captain Manstalker [Captain Freedom/Manstalker] 
Commando Cougar [Commando D/Cougar] 
Dark Paragon [Captain Paragon/Dark Avenger] 
Demon Messenger [Messenger/Demon Hunter] 
Destructor Bolt [Bolt/Destructor] 
Dragonfly [Dragonfly/Dragon] 

Better Feature Syndicate [Better Publication/Fox Feature Syndicate] 
American Eagle [American Crusader/Eagle] 
American Fury [American Eagle/Black Fury] 
Black Lynx [Black Bat/Lynx] 
Black Masked Rider [Masked Rider/Black Rider] 
Chuck [Eaglet/Chuck
Dart [Liberator/Dart] 
Dynaman [Pyroman/Dynamo] 
Future Man [Captain Future/V-Man] 
Green Mask [Mask/Green Mask] 
Grim Banshee [Grim Reaper/Banshee] 
Lady-Bug [Scarab/Moth] 
Mystikor [Mystico/Kalkor]
Red Panther [Woman in Red/Panther Woman] 
Samson the Black Terror [Black Terror/Samson] 
Spectro, The Super Wizard [Spectro, The Mind Reader/Stardust, The Super Wizard] 
Sphinx Queen [Sphinx/Spider Queen] 
Thunder Man [Wonder Man/Thor] 
Wonder Fury [Fighting Yank/Wonder Man] 

Capital Entertainment International [Associate Entertainment International/Capital Production] 
Ultraluana [Ultraman II/Luana] 

Capital Productions [Capital Publication/Shaw Brother Productions] 
Infrabadger [Badger/Inframan] 

Capital Publishing [Capital Comics/Continuity Publishing] 
Megus [Nexus/Megalith] 

Columbia Republic Pictures [Columbia Pictures/Republic Pictures] 
Black Gargoyle [Gargoyle/Black Widow] 
Captain Rocket [Captain Africa/Rocket Man] 
Captain Rulu [Rulu/Captain Mephisto] 
Dr. Dagna [Dr. Grood/Dagna] 
Dr. Grood [Grood/Dr. Vulcan] 
Dr. Skull [Skull/Dr. Morgan] 
Iron Ghost [Iron Claw/Crimson Ghost] 
Masked Archer [Green Archer/Masked Marvel] 
Phantom Recorder [Recorder/Phantom Ruler] 
Professor Satan [Professor Steigg/Dr. Satan] 
Purple Octopus [Octopus/Purple Monster] 

Comics House Publishing [Bilbara Publishing/Comic House Publication] 
Tornado Man [Tornado Tom/Spirit Man] 

Comico Enterprise [Comico/Magazine Enterprise] 
Next Mask [Next Man/Red Mask] 
Mr. Avenger [Mr. Justice/Avenger] 

Croydon House [Cambridge House/Croydon] 
Captain Ghost [Ghost Woman/Captain Wizard] 

Dark Image Comics [Dark Horse/Image Comics] 
Dash [Sprint (Danny)/Freefall] 
Maks [Mask/Maxx]
Lapis Diamond [White Diamond/Lapis Lazuli] 
Torch of Liberty [Torch of Liberty/Liberty] 

Eastern Fiction House [Easter Color Printing, Co./Fiction House] 
Captain Man O’Metal [Man O’Metal/Captain Fight] 
Comet Boy [Rainbow Boy/Red Comet] 
Flint Panther [Flint Man/Red Panther] 
HydroBolt [Hydroman/Lightning] 
Music Man [Music Master/Tigerman] 
Phantom Zombie [Purple Zombie/Phantom Falcon] 

Eclipse Enterprise [Eclipse Comics/MFEnterprise] 
Masked Marvel [Masked Man/Captain Marvel] 
Static Man [Static/Tinyman] 

E.C. Publishers [E.C. Publication/Magazine Publisher] 
Moon Boy [Moon Girl/Moon Man] 

Elliot Press [Aviation Press/Elliot Publishing] 
Black Kismet [Black Venus/Kismet] 

Four Star Publication [Four Star Publication/Star Publication] 
Torpedocat [Torpedoman/Super Cat] 

Funnies Publication [Funnies, Inc./Prize Publication] 
Atomic Bolt [Blue Bolt/Atomic Man] 
Blue Twister [Twister/Blue Streak] 
Dr. Zero [Sub-Zero Man/Dr. Frost] 
Spaceowl [Spacehawk/Black Owl] 
Yank & Doodle [Manowar, Wonder Boy/Yank & Doodle] 

Frank Komos [Frank Comunale/Komos Publication] 
Yellow Avenger [Yellowjacket/Invisible Avenger] 

Galactic-Vanaheim [Aardvark-Vanaheim/Galactic Media Publisher] 
Captain Midnight [Captain Everything/Mr. Midnight] 

Gold Key Press [Gold Key Comics/Pendulum Press] 
Dr. Solarman [Dr. Solar/Solarman] 

Great Books [Fawcett Books/Great Publication] 
Fire-Man [Frat Man/Fire-Eater] 
Masked Kangaroo [Masked Lizard/Kangaroo Man] 
Satyr-Atlas [Satyr-Man/Atlas] 

Great Pelican Publication [Great Comics Publication/Pelican Publication] 
Captain Giant [Captain Power/Green Giant] 

Harry House Publication [Comic House Publication/Harry “A” Chesler] 
Major Battle [Captain Battle/Major Victory] 
Rocket Streak [Silver Streak/Rocketman] 
Mr. B [Blackout/Mr. E] 
Mr. Dynamic [Mr. Midnight/Dynamic Man] 

Harvey Madison Comics [Harvey Comics/Madison Comics] 
B-Vulture [B-Man/Black Vulture] 
Black Turkey [Black Cat/Turkey] 
Captain Maple Leaf [Captain Freedom/Maple Leaf] 
Captain X [Captain 3-D/Lady X] 
Dr. Peerless [Mr. Peerless/Dr. Peculiar] 
Dynaflag [Human Dynamo/Flagman] 
Flame Tiger [Tiger Boy/Flame Tree] 
Hanu-Alien the Great [Super-Alien the Great/Hanu-Man] 
Hyper Meteor [Hyper-Hero/Mr. Meteor] 
Jack Quick Bruin [Jack Quick Frost/Bronze Bruin] 
Jacksaw [Jigsaw/Jackass] 
Magic Unicorn [Magicmaster/Purple Unicorn] 
Mightiest Dinosaur [Mightiest Man/Dinosaur Man] 
Power Shield [Power Person/Silver Shield] 
Rainbow Gladiator [Glowing Gladiator/Rainbow] 
Red Pirana [Pirana/Red Octopus] 
Spydog [Spyman/Human Dog] 
Super Miz [Super Richie/Miz Biz] 
Ultrasow [Ultraman/Sow] 

Hillman Syndicate [Hillman Periodical/Register and Tribune Syndicate] 
Lady Micro [Micro Face/Lady Luck] 
Red Angel [Black Angel/Red Knight] 
Spiritboy [Airboy/Spirit] 

Hyper Nita Publication [Hyper Publication/Nita Publication] 
Hyper the Cyclone [Hyper the Phenomenal/Cyclone] 

Ideasbro Toys [Hasbro Toys/Ideal Toys] 
Captain Atomic [Atomic Man/Captain Action] 

J.Q. Publishing [J.Q. Entertainment/Standard Publishing] 
Super Bunny [Cutey Bunny/Supermouse] 

John Feature Syndicate [John F. Mahon/United Feature Syndicate] 
Mirror Fly [Fly-Man/Mirror Man] 
Sparkfire [Spitfire/Sparkman] 

Kitchen Embassy Entertainment [Avco Embassy Publication/Kitchen Sink Entertainment] 
Megaton Fuzz [Super Fuzz/Megaton Man] 

Lev Gleason Publication [Lev Gleason/Popular Publication] 
Bronze Spider [Bronze Terror/Spider] 
Captain Ghost [Ghost/Captain Satan] 
G-13 [13/G-8] 
Zero Crime [Crimebuster/Captain Zero] 

Malistone Comics [Malibu Comics/Milestone Comics] 
Lashen [Lash/Blitzen] 
Oropaz [Topaz/Oro] 
Nuclear [Pressure/Holocaust] 
Brash [Brazen/Ash] 
Sandra-D [Sandra-K/D-Struct] 
Slagsta [Gangsta/Slag] 

Matrix Graphic Comix [Comely Comix/Matrix Graphic Series] 
Captain Northguard [Captain Canuck/Northguard] 

MGM Comics [Megaton Comics/MGM Publication] 
Captain Megaton [Megaton/Captain Avenger] 

Atom Fly [Fearless Fly/Atom Ant] 
Atomic Avenger [Mask Avenger/Atomic Man] 
Baltar of Izar [Baltar/Garth of Izar] 
Battlestar Enterprise [Battlestar Galactica/Star Trek] 
Bluebird [Blue Falcon/Birdman] 
DC Gilligan [Super Gilligan/DC Collins] 
Dr. Medusa [Dr. Gimzo/Medusa] 
Electra President [Electra Woman/Super President] 
Holo-Man [Automan/Gemini Man] 
Mighty Man from Atlantis [Mighty Man/Man from Atlantis] 
Nicest American Hero [Greatest American Hero/Captain Nice] 
Superdog [Super Chicken/Underdog] 

New Media Creative Comics [Denis Gifford Creative Comics/New Media Publishing] 
Kaptain Heroic [Kaptain Kween/Captain Heroic] 

Noble Circle Comics [Noble Comics/Red Circle Comics Group] 
Mighty Freedom Guardians [Freedom Force, Guardians/Mighty Crusaders] 
Aegis [Crusader/Shield] 
Night Comet [Night Lightning/Comet] 
Nightfly [Nightowl/Fly] 
Darkfactor [Malefactor/Darkling] 
Lancelot Hunk [Hunk/Lancelot Steel] 
Flyphaser [Phaser/Flygirl] 

Progressive Comics [Columbia Comics/Progressive Publication] 
Cosmo Face [Face/Cosmo Man] 
Lady Cloak [Cloak/Lady Fairplay] 

Skyward Books [Skyward Publication/Sphere Books] 
Captain Butterfly [Butterfly/Captain Amazing] 
Hell-Muto [Hell-Rider/Transmuto] 

Spark Comics [Dell Comics/Spark Publication] 
Arrow Boy [Brain Boy/Swift Arrow] 
Lt Phantasmo [Phantasmo/Lt Hercules] 
Martan, The Golden Lad [Martan, The Marvel Man/Golden Lad] 
Nuklaman [Nukla/Atoman] 

Street & Smith Publication [Centaur Publication/Street & Smith] 
Ajak, The Solarman [Solarman/Ajak, The Sun Man] 
Amazing Savage [Amazing Man/Doc Savage] 
Black Conqueror [Conqueror/Black Crusader] 
Black Whisperer [Black Panther/Whisperer] 
Eternal Dragon [Eternal Man/Red Dragon] 
Hooded Marvel [Masked Marvel/Hooded Wasp] 
Human Shadow [Human Meteor/Shadow] 
Iron Fantom [Fantom of the Fair/Iron Ghost] 
Mr. Minute Man of War [Man of War/Mr. Minute Man] 
Mr. Rainbow [Rainbow/Mr. Twilight] 
Sparkbolt [Sparker/Thunderbolt] 
Tiger Shark [Shark/Tiger Man] 

Superior Syndicate [Chicago Time Syndicate/Superior Publisher] 
Captain Scarlet O’Neil [Invisible Scarlet O’Neil/Captain Combat] 

That Other Headline Publication[Headline Publication/That Other Comix Co.] 
Fighting Spyder [Fighting American/Spyder] 

Warren Comics Group [American Comics Group/Warren Publishing] 
Darklon the Magic Man [Magic Man/Darklon the Mystic] 
Fighting Fury [Fat Fury/Fighting Armenian] 
Crime Nemesis [Nemesis/Crime Crusher] 
Super Goblin [Goblin/Superkatt] 

Wham-O Comics [Pacific Comics/Wham-O Manufacturing] 
Rocketor [Rocketeer/Tor] 
Silver-Star Key [Silver-Star/Star Key]